Dataprovider not refreshing


Today we faced one issue regarding the refreshing of the report. Once user said that while he is refreshing the report is saying the message" the data provider didn’t be refreshed ". But when the same report is refreshed against my pc it refreshed successfully. I tried to refresh the report by dataprovider wise and for that dataprovider it is not fetching the data.

So, just i am wondering is there any chache or memory issue that it is not allowing me to refresh the report.

It would be great if some one suggest me in this regard.

Thanks & Regards
Sunil Kumar T.S.

ts_sunilkumar (BOB member since 2003-01-15)

Which version of Business Objects are you using?
Is it ZABO or Full Client (3-tier versus 2-tier)?
Did you check for the *.key file and (if Full Client) for database middleware configuration?

Did you try using Business Objects Reporter on the “problem” PC, but using your own Business Objects user ID?

Is the “problem” data provider Freehand SQL, a stored procedure, a personal data provider, VBA, or going against a universe?

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

When user gets the message “Data Provider cannot be refreshed”. Click on details button to get the exact message.

With that exact message we can determine the problem.

Problem can be as simple as no middleware installed or might be complex.

JaiGupta (BOB member since 2002-09-12)