Data Provider Values Bug? in 6.1b

Has anyone else noticed that the values listed for each variable in the data provider in BO 6.1b are no longer working correctly? If the reporting year variable should list 2002,2003,2004, it now lists 2002,2003,2003 and it looks like it always messes up the last value in the list.


Heather Homestead (BOB member since 2002-08-19)

Hey Ms Schenectady - wish I was up that way - my folks have a cottage right at Southwick Beach just north of you. Not this summer tho. . .
So I was wondering if you rebuilt the LOVs in Designer and had this same problem?

scott copeland (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

Scott, This is very strange bug because the LOV is fine but if you open up the data provider cube and choose any field and look at the values listed on the right the very last value is always wrong for every field. This even happens when the report is created in version 6 and not converted from version 5, I thought they only made a few minor enhancements to BO in 6 but it looks like they managed to introduce a brand new bug.


Heather Homestead (BOB member since 2002-08-19)

sorry I read it wrong at first, not LOV problem. So you are looking in the data cube, definition tab, at values for an object. Certainly seems to be inconsistent in what it displays - I see one object with values in sort order and then it repeats what appears to be a random value. Another object with only 1 unique value shows just that value but a numeric object is sorted ascending and then plugs in a lower value at the bottom. Very strange; I sure can’t explain the anomaly but it looks like it puts in the last row returned at the end of the display when looking at individual object values. And that almost makes sense from a programmer point of view - sort the object value list and then add last row and display.

Of course I doubt if it affects your report any - :lol:

scott copeland (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

I don’t think it affects reports either, I just used these lists to quickly QC the results of the query and now I can’t until they fix the bug. I guess I’ll go report it to BO so they can document it as a bug if no one else has reported it yet.


Heather Homestead (BOB member since 2002-08-19)

I hear ya; be interesting to see what BO says.
Never had the patience to scroll thru data cube myself; usually have an unformated report table with all the query columns listed that I can refer back to while working the data.

scott copeland (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

I’ve seen that problem in Full Client (don’t have Webi). I think I first noticed it in 6.1a. In fact I was just looking at a report that was doing that. It seems to depend on your data set-if the last value in the data set isn’t the last one in order, it gives whatever the last value is. I have a query that has state, year, month (number) and a couple of measures. The state and year are fine, but the last row returned contain WI and 2004 which would be the last in order. For the month, the last row has 5 and when I look at the values of month on the definition tab, I see


It doesn’t seem to cause any problems in the report though. It is doing the same thing with the measures.


Lisa Bates :us: (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

I just put in a case with BO tech support and I’m assuming this will be a new bug on the list for the BO 6.1b because it is very easy to demonstrate the problem. I’ll let you know when I get this confirmed as a bug and the number assigned. This bug wouldn’t show up at all in WEBI because they don’t have a data manager available in that product yet.


Heather Homestead (BOB member since 2002-08-19)

This got logged as a bug for BO version 6, my very first bug for the version 6 software. Here is the bug number if anyone is interested:

Bug # 1093522
subject : Data provider variables values always have wrong last value.

Heather Homestead (BOB member since 2002-08-19)

Thank you for the update, Heather :yesnod:

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)