BusinessObjects Board

Data Issue

I am having a problem, but I am not sure why that is happening.

I have 4 tables:
Quote lineitem
Quote lineItem Schedule

so the joins are like this
Order.Orderid = Quote.Orderid
Quotelineitem schedule.Quotelineitemid =

Order 1-1 Quote
Quote 1-many Quotelineitem
Quotelineitem 1- many Quotelineitemschedule

I am getting order number from Order table which has two products. And I am getting the “unit price” from Quote lineitem Schedule
So the unit price of product1 is 100
and unitprice of product2 is 200

So when u put everything together, I should get:
Order1 Product1 100
Order1 Product2 200

But I am getting this:
Order1 Product1 300
Order1 Product2 300

Please give me any ideas how to resolve this problem.
Thanks so much!

liki_red (BOB member since 2007-01-05)

Do you 1=>many=>many because of something like effective-dated rows?

It sounds like you may have a Fan trap, as discussed in the FAQ.

Is there a way you can get the correct single row for a join, rather than multiples, perhaps via a view or via additional join criteria?

Anita Craig :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-17)

I think you shouldn’t treat unit price as a measure then using just dimensions you will get correct results.

Marfi :poland: (BOB member since 2006-12-18)