Is there a way of automatically deleting the DocAgent Log every X interval or something?


Tim K Heuer
PacifiCare Health Systems
(714) 825-5702 - office
(800) 946-4645 pin 1404017 - pager

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Heuer Tim K wrote:

Is there a way of automatically deleting the DocAgent Log every X interval or something?

YES, there is an option “Purge the Queue…” in the “Console” menu of the Document Agent Server. But this option is avilable only from the window of the DAS which is in primary mode.

You can find a detailed explanation of all this in the DAS Administrator’s guide of BO 4.1.


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Is there a way of automating the purging?

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Hello everyone,

I’m still running into the problem below. To date we have rebuilt the repository, reran and reexported all queries. This seemed to work for awhile but now we’re back to the same problem. We have tried everything and BusObj is running out of ideas, we have an open case # 33924 and I have had 2 business objects consultants onsite to try to help - we’re all stumped! We have the refresh rate set to 1 and I do see it retry, it still fails. I know this has to do with predefined conditions and I have gotten some unsuccessful reports to work successfully by going into the query panel, clicking the do not retrieve data, running the query, and then sending it to DAS to refresh - it works most of the time but not always. The only other thing that I notice quite often is when I do scan & repairs there are quite a few entries with ‘Invalid Submission Date’ - it seems to be from queries that were sent to DAS - but I’m not positive. Does anyone else have this problem or have suggestions?

Thanks much,


We’ve recently started using the Document Agent Server pretty extensively and keep getting the following error for no apparent
Has anyone experienced this as well? Do you know how to solve it?

Error is: Cannot refresh document! [Command failed A variable
the data provider from being refreshed:]


I would try to have DAS automatically retry at least once. It has to
with the way DAS creates scripts to ‘REFRESH’ the document. DAS does
use the SQL that is embedded in the report if it contains a prompt
(this is
because BO is really running in a BLIND mode). Once the report fails,
SQL should be rebuilt by DAS. When DAS retries, it uses the newly
SQL and it usually succeeds.

Let us know the results. I am sure that many of us await the answer
baited breath. :wink:

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Hi Julie,

I too was having this problem and to an extent, still am. I am writing a script to refresh documents and send them via e-mail (MAPI). In the cases where the universes contained no @prompt, the script worked fine, the documents refreshed. When running the script against universes which had the @prompt I always got the “Cannot refresh document![Command failed A variable prevented the data provider Query1 with Universe1 from being refreshed:[]]”.

We are deploying BusinessObjects via Citrix. Our repository is in Access. Our databases are in Rdb. We use generic Oracle for Rdb ODBC. In my case, the ODBC driver for the universes with the @prompt (the ones for which I got the error in DAS) contained a password which expired at intervals. The same driver on Citrix contained a password which does not expire. The difference in passwords was causing the error in DAS.

Changing the ODBC configuration solved only part of the problem. Now I can run my script on the universes with the @prompt and the document will refresh (no error on DAS) ONLY if I sent the document from BusinessObjects while logged on as a General Supervisor. When logged on as a Supervisor, Supervisor/Designer or User, the script still fails with the “Cannot refresh…” error. Anyone care to take a stab at this one???

It seems that this error can be brought about by almost anything. Some of the things suggested by the DAS bible are, * enable secured commands (in Supervisor) that deal with the regeneration of SQL-even hiding them will cause the “Cannot refresh…” error. * The universe is using @prompts and a new @prompt was added.

Hope this was of some help.

Best regards,

Crystal Golding
Senior Systems Analyst
Management Information Section
University of Queensland
Brisbane Australia 4072
E-mail: c.golding@mailbox.uq.edu.au
Phone: +61 7 336 53417
Fax: +61 7 336 58202

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Hi all,

My process fails in DAS giving me an error - “Document was not saved by the
user module” …
Did any one face the same kind of problem??? Any info regarding this
would be of great help…



Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)


This is an excerpt from the DAS-bible (part 2). I suggest you get a copy
from the support site,
its packed with info.

Document was not saved by the user module.:
It means that a refresh has been selected. In this case, the document when
being closed by the end-user module (launched in blind mode) should be
modified and saved on the server machine. In 4.0.5, this was happening
sometimes. In 4.1, this has not happened yet. DAS when launching the task is
getting the document last modification date BEFORE and AFTER the script is
run. These dates should be different. This bug is known in 4.1 if
You have chosen a custom script, without a refresh action (either in the
script or either selected with the interface), and the name of the custom
script is containing a “1”. (The letter corresponding to the number One).
The workaround is to tell the customer to rename the custom script or to
insert a Refresh action before the custom script with the interface or to
insert a ‘Refresh’ in the custom script.

Document was not saved by the user module.(2) :
It can also be the ‘Save document’ command that has been disabled by the
Supervisor. When a task is starting, we extract the document from the
document domain and store it on the server file system. Then, we run the
end-user module on the document, extract the script(s) from the document and
run them. Once the scripts are run, the document is saved and closed. (the
document is saved to take into account the modifications). If the command is
disabled, then the end-user module will not be able to save it, thus giving
back this error to the Document Agent

Good luck,
Marianne Wagt

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)