DAS on Unix Other modules on Win95


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Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

You should be able to get recreate the BOMain.Key from the existing installation, regardless of the platform.=A0 Select the ‘Safe Recovery’ = option
within supervisor and go from there.=A0=A0=20

Anyway, we want to install the DAS on the Unix-platform (we have the BO-Unix-version). Is this possible ? How will DAS connect itself to the repository that is already in use ? Do I have to do a special = installation
on the Unix. Change anything in the supervisor’s module ? =A0

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

I believe the DAS for UNIX works currently with BO version 4.05. However I think DAS for UNIX version 4.1 is due for release at the end of the year.

Have you attempted to speak to the Business Objects Helpdesk yet?

I have not installed the DAS for UNIX myself but I would advise that you check with the helpdesk. BO’s DAS customers are approx 95% NT and 5% UNIX according to a BO support person I spoke to.




From: Nils & Gerda De Caster - Torck[SMTP:nilsdc@XS4ALL.BE]
Sent: 18 September 1998 13:51


I’m doing the implementation of BO 4.1.2 on an Oracle Server 7.3. The facts: I’ve installed (Stand Alone) Supervisor-Designer-DAS & User module on a Win95-platform, using SQL*net to connect to the Oracle Database that runs on a Unix AIX platform. The installation of the repository and creating of BOmain.key were succesful. I’ve been trying some Batch-runs with DAS towards a Web-server.
(I didn’t work allways, I don’t know why ?). Now I removed the module from the 95-platform. (still in test-fase).

Anyway, we want to install the DAS on the Unix-platform (we have the BO-Unix-version). Is this possible ? How will DAS connect itself to the repository that is already in use ? Do I have to do a special installation on the Unix. Change anything in the supervisor’s module ?

Hope anyone can help me. Thanks. Nils De Caster

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

We just did a successful install in the exact same enviroment that has been described. Here is an excerpt from a message that the consultant passed on:

I was concerned about this initially as realised the product key we had only gave her ‘Reporter’ and ‘DAS’ - NO ‘Supervisor’ module, so wasn’t sure how we’d get DAS to connect to her repository. However, we copied her Win95 client BOMain.key file to relevant Unix directory and it worked.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)