BusinessObjects Board

Customize mhtml format


we have some publications which send and email with an attached excel. Now our client is asking us to insert the table inside the body of the email.

We have changed the format to html and the email shows the information. Until here no problems, but… We don’t like the format, it shows a lot of erros with accents o other Spanish characters.

Can I change the format? the encoding? or customize in any way this table?

Thank you!

Toxicosmos (BOB member since 2012-08-21)


does no one have found this problem?

I think it is very estrange that i can put in the body of an email the table of the report and I won’t be able to change any kind of format.

Thank you!

Toxicosmos (BOB member since 2012-08-21)

There aren’t really any options in the publication dialogue that will help you. I would suggest the only thing you can do is fiddle with the report to see if you can reduce / remove the various formatting errors you see.

Nick Daniels :uk: (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

You can affect the format, but it’s done in the WEBI report. Colours, Borders, text formatting etc - all possible. There are issues with how the report displays in Outlook which have been discussed a few times here - use the Search function for more.

You mention a problem with spanish characters - if you want any more help then you’ll need to elaborate.



mcnelson :uk: (BOB member since 2008-10-09)


I’m doing what Nick said, thanks!. I’m trying to change the format as much as possible fiddling with my webi report and I achieved a passable version.

In the other way, as mcnelson said I’m having problems with the Spanish characters, We use special characters as accents (á, é, ó…), ñ or ç. And When the text it’s converted to mhtml it changes.

For example:

Servicios Técnicos -> Técnicos Servicios
Carlos García -> Carlos García

Do you know is there is a place to change this notation or some scape characters? Thank you!

Toxicosmos (BOB member since 2012-08-21)