Creating users through script in nested folders

I need to create about 160 users, which will be in nested folders.

Following is the folder structure. I need to create users so that they reside in UK->Sales->Team2

Since there are folders with same same under US, how would I write this in script??


--> US
      --> Sales
            --> Team1
            --> Team2
--> UK
      --> Sales
            --> Team1
            --> Team2

The following is the string I use:


where t.james is username

How do I tell Export/Import to put this user in UK side not in US side??


chiragk :us: (BOB member since 2003-10-22)

Is that a real structure, or just a proposed structure? I’ve tried with both a Microsoft Access repository and Oracle repository, and it won’t let me create two groups (regardless of nesting) with the same name. It’s much like classes in Designer … while they are nested hierarchically, the name must be globally unique.

Dwayne Hoffpauir :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-19)

This is proposed. My bad… I just realized that you cannot have duplicate Group Names.


chiragk :us: (BOB member since 2003-10-22)

… and since you cannot have duplicate group (or user) names, this is a non-issue. You simply add the user in the desired group, without having to specify the exact tree structure. So in your case, you could have something like:

   US Sales
        US Sales Team 1
        US Sales Team 2
   UK Sales
        UK Sales Team 1
        UK Sales Team 2

That would provide you unique group names, and the script to add a user to “US Sales Team 1” would work just fine.

Dave Rathbun :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-06)