Hello All
I have checked this forum for an answer and found none. If this topic has been discussed before, please point me to it.
Our Business Objects environment is used all over the world. That being the case, we would like to develop a single universe per subject area and use the same universe to allow users to see “pertinent” data. For example, users in Germany warehouse, would only be allowed to see his/her warehouse data unless given permission to do so. How can we go about doing this? Advance thanks.
Thanks for the post. Could you elaborate please? Even if we have row level security or database views (which we do), how do we tie it to the user who is running / creating the report using a particular universe? In other words, can I use a function that determines the user who is currently creating/running a report? Help please
I prefer DB views (puts maintaining back on the DBAs ) but then you need to pass thru the BOuser to the Db if your application security table is keyed to a user. You might be able to do something with groups of users if the IDs fit a common pattern; ie, users in one country or section have a set range of IDs different from others.
With row level security, that is set up in Supervisor and Designer and if you are using a proxy ID on your data connection, then that might be your only choice. Searching can turn up buches of threads on these subjects.
It sounds to me like your users are using physically separate databases – is that right? If so, then you could change the database connection used for the universe, based upon group in Supervisor.
As for folks who might have access to multiple databases – I cannot suggest an easy way to do that other than having multiple (separate) logins, each in the appropriate “group”.
Answers to your questions, Not really, we have a single SQL Server DW Database for all users world wide. THat being the case, I cannot think of anything other than having 10 similar universes, except that each one of them filters data for specific lo cations. Am I right?
Also, how and where do I use the function “BOUser”? In a report based off a universe?
Thanks Scott, I am making some progress (I think) based on the input you guys have given me. Thanks for the help. I will pose more questions on this depending on how my research goes.
Based on this info , as Scott touched on this sounds like it could be accomplished with row level security within Supervisor. If you have your security structure broken down by locations then it sounds like it may be somewhat simple by applying the restrictions at the group level.