I am working with Business Objects 6 and now I have a problem,I hope that someone can help me.
I have a Database from SQL which I import to Business Objects,now I must create an filter which says Red is closed,but if is Red open I was wrong an must be displayed,if Red is closed this is right and the datas must not displayed.
Sorry for my English,but I am an germay Study…
I hope someone can help me and tell me the Formula for the filter or tell me someone an example with this type of Filter.
Thank you.
Sorry I tested now your example,but it doesn´t work.Can you tell me,where I must write the Formula??Can I write the formula in the tab with filters or not??Sorry for my questions,but I worked new with BO.
Hello again,
sorry I am afraid,but I have not time to buy and read an book or visit an BO training.
I haven´t many time and I must finished my Studywork with BO,a very good but complicated tool very fast and my Manager have not any book,only the Help Guide.
My Formala which I created are
= If <Status> = "Active" And <Condition>InList ("BLUE" , "BLACK") Then 0 Else If (<Status> <> "Inactive" And <Condition> InList ("GRAY", "GREEN", "YELLOW","RED") Then 1
(And if Planned are black or blue then 0 for incorrect or by (“GRAY”,“GREEN”, “YELLOW”,“RED”) Then
1 for correct
But i can not find any mistake,can me help me someone here?Thank you for all.
Try ( a closing parenthesis was missing I believe):
= If <Status> = "Active" And <Condition> InList ("BLUE" , "BLACK") Then 0 Else If <Status> <> "Inactive" And <Condition> InList ("GRAY", "GREEN", "YELLOW","RED") Then 1