Creating a special Filter

I am working with Business Objects 6 and now I have a problem,I hope that someone can help me.
I have a Database from SQL which I import to Business Objects,now I must create an filter which says Red is closed,but if is Red open I was wrong an must be displayed,if Red is closed this is right and the datas must not displayed.

Sorry for my English,but I am an germay Study…

I hope someone can help me and tell me the Formula for the filter or tell me someone an example with this type of Filter.
Thank you.

Giuseppe :de: (BOB member since 2004-07-07)

It sounds like you may need a CASE statement along the lines of


For RED, CLOSED and OPEN you will need to submit columns and values from your database.


Sorry I tested now your example,but it doesn´t work.Can you tell me,where I must write the Formula??Can I write the formula in the tab with filters or not??Sorry for my questions,but I worked new with BO.

Giuseppe :de: (BOB member since 2004-07-07)

Ah, OK, you are doing this in Reporter.

On the Format menu, choose Filters.
Now select the object that you wish to filter against and select the ones you wish to display.

Click on OK and you should just see the rows with the values that you want.


This is my variable,which I created,now I need a tool who say me,where was the mistake??

=( If =“Inactive” And (If=“RED” Then “change”))

I am very unhappy that the Formula doesn´t work,please help me anyone

Giuseppe :de: (BOB member since 2004-07-07)


= If <Status> = "Inactive" And <Condition> = "RED" Then "change"

I would suggest in all friendliness a Business Objects Reporter training class or look at Shop@BOB for some good books (Amazon ships internationally and it is not that expensive or might have those books as well ;-))

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

are you speaking german??Please contact me…Thank you.

Giuseppe :de: (BOB member since 2004-07-07)

Hello again,
sorry I am afraid,but I have not time to buy and read an book or visit an BO training.
I haven´t many time and I must finished my Studywork with BO,a very good but complicated tool very fast and my Manager have not any book,only the Help Guide.

My Formala which I created are

= If <Status> = "Active" And <Condition>InList ("BLUE" , "BLACK") Then 0 Else If (<Status> <> "Inactive" And <Condition> InList ("GRAY", "GREEN", "YELLOW","RED") Then 1

(And if Planned are black or blue then 0 for incorrect or by (“GRAY”,“GREEN”, “YELLOW”,“RED”) Then
1 for correct
But i can not find any mistake,can me help me someone here?Thank you for all.

Giuseppe :de: (BOB member since 2004-07-07)

Try ( a closing parenthesis was missing I believe):

= If <Status> = "Active" And <Condition> InList ("BLUE" , "BLACK") Then 0 Else If <Status>  <> "Inactive" And <Condition> InList ("GRAY", "GREEN", "YELLOW","RED") Then 1

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

Thank you very much,your Code help me to complete the work.
Many thanks from me :smiley:

Giuseppe :de: (BOB member since 2004-07-07)