I have some free-hand sql reports and would like to convert those reports into Business Objects. Is there anyway (Interface or tool) to convert FHS reports to Business Objects instead of recreating them.
Any Ideas ?.
Not possible at all. If by “convert to Business Objects” you mean traditional universe-based report, there has to be a universe built. Difficult to automate building universes in any case, but certainly can’t derive it from free-hand SQL.
One thought… once you get the universe built, and the query built, you do not have to rebuild the entire report. By report I mean structure, layout, variables, formatting… for that you can save your original report as a template, then apply that template to the new document that is based on a universe query.
So while Dwayne is correct in that you cannot easily migrate the SQL generation, you should be able to migrate the report(s) once the universe is built.
Thanks for the idea, but if i have reports about 20 + then, do i need to save all reports as templates ?. If i do that, is that not going to be confusion for the Users when they try to do adhocs.
?. If i save all these reports as templates then, Are these templates going to save on my machine ?.
The idea would be to save the reports as templates only on your computer, or where the conversion will take place. The templates would not become part of the standard set distributed with the product.
In other words, once you have recreated the query, and used the template to regenerate the report, then you can delete that template. BTW, you will need a template for each report. So if you have 20 documents, each with 5 reports (tabs), then you will need 100 templates. That is, assuming that all of your reports have a unique format.
Thank you very much, most of the reports are not in unique format, but will try to manage with your idea of saving as templates.
I was thinking to recreate all reports from the scratch.
Thanks once again and appreciate your idea.