Connection info not updated

Might be true Diederik. But why is there than an entry in the Supervisor
for editing connection info? Is this only applicable for new universes?
Anyway the connection info is stored in the Objects.lsi and apparently
not updated

    might be that your dataprovider (ODBC-DSN or other) on your DAS

server must
be changed. They are defined locally. This goes for all your

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

You are correct. If you change the connect sting for Document
Domain or Universe Domain in Supervisor, it is not dynamically updated
for Document Agent. I have had this problem before and the jobs
continued to fail in DAS. The way I fixed it was to shut down the DAS
and bring it up back again and that did the trick.
Good Luck

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

You do have the availability to change the connections in the Supervisor if
the datasource is moved. If you change the datasource for any of the
datasets, the middleware has definitions that probably need editing (for
Oracle the tnsnames.ora, for ODBC the DSN or others, for other they each
have their own definition file). As for the Objects.lsi file, it contains
many pieced of information related to the users resource and command
profiles set in the Supervisor module.

Hope this helps.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)