I just finished to designa small cube for testing with SQL Analysis server.
When i launch BO reporter (version 5.1.6) i cannot see the OLAP Cube option in the “select data from” page.
Do i need to install additional software to access the cube or the normal installation should be enough?
Thanks for your answers.
I just browsed Business Objects site, and figure out that Analytic Applications is a product we might need.
Is Analytic Applications and the Application Foundation a tottaly different product, or is just considered as added feature to the Reporter from version 6.0 and above?
Can someone refer me to the official BO pricelist?
There is no official price list. You would have to call Business Objects sales or a re-seller, prices vary upon packaging and volume (and other competitors).
Just to be able to access an OLAP cube you do not need Application Foundation. If you are interested in dashboards/scorecards then Application Foundation might be a product to consider.