I want to concat a textstring and a date-object in a report, so I get something like:
Startdate: 01-01-2000
I cannot make one object which includes the string and the dateobject in the universe, because the date-object is used in a condition in the query-panel too.
I tried something like =“startdate”& but I does not work,
Joost Henskens
The Netherlands
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I tried something like =“startdate”& but I does not work,
There are several functions available in BO for combining different data-formats. To combine strings with dates, you can use the FormatDate function, which converts the date to text (info on syntax can be found in the function help).
Good luck,
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try using the + character and not the &
e.g. =“startdate” +
The & operator will only allow concatenation of strings objects ,whereas the + operator does the conversion. Alternatively you could have used the formatdate function if you want to display the date in a particular format.
I want to concat a textstring and a date-object in a report, so I get something like:
Startdate: 01-01-2000
I cannot make one object which includes the string and the dateobject in the universe, because the date-object is used in a condition in the query-panel too.
I tried something like =“startdate”& but I does not work,
Joost Henskens
The Netherlands
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You can create two date objects, one string type, and one date type. The string type is= 'startdate: ’ || to_char(begindate), that you can use in your selected object. and the date object that you can use in your condition Hope this helps
In a message dated Fri, 4 Feb 2000 8:09:44 AM Eastern Standard Time, Joost Henskens henskensjoost@HOTMAIL.COM writes:
I want to concat a textstring and a date-object in a report, so I get something like:
Startdate: 01-01-2000
I tried something like =“startdate”& but I does not work,
Try the following:
Date: " & FormatDate(,“DD/MM/YYYY”)
The concatenation symbol does not work for anything but character data. The “+” sign will often work to combined character and numeric data, but is not documented and may not continue to work. The functions FormatDate() and FormatNumber() are provided to convert date or numeric data to character form. Then the & symbol works just fine.
To concatanate the “Last Refreshed Date” in a BusinessObjects full client report to the text “Last Refreshed On:” so the result would show as follows:
Last Refreshed On: 02/23/2005
Perform the following steps
Insert the Last Refreshed date using the predefined Insert, special field, date and time, last refresh
That will result in a formula on the report that is defined as: =LastExecutionDate(“Query 1 with Efashion”)
Efashion is obviously the universe name.
On the report you will just see the date displayed but the formula bar will show the above formula
Select the on the field on the report and choose Define as variable from the Data menu in the report window
Enter the name as Refresh Date
Now build a new variable by choosing variables from the data menu
Call the variable Last Refreshed Date
Define the formula as : ="Last Refreshed On: " & FormatDate( ,“mm/dd/yyyy”)
In XI webintelligence you can just concatanate the words to the date field without having to convert anything. Just use the + symbol as the concatanation operator.
Hope that helps anyone in the future with the same question.