Concat function problem....less number of records

i have a strange problem while using cancat function. I’m trying to concat State which is character with Zip code, which is numeric. I used TO CHAR function to convert Zip code to char format. I’m dealing only with zip codes where first digit is zero. So while concatenating, leading zero gets supressed. So i used Left Padding function. But when i use Left Padding function, i’m getting less number of records. Why is it so ?

BOisBest :india: (BOB member since 2004-04-05)

So you have an object which concatenates State and Zip right… So when you say the records are less, what do you exactly mean? Is there records missing which has zip codes starting with zero after left padding??


cpmohanraj :australia: (BOB member since 2002-09-23)

i have an object which concates state with zip. If i dont use Left Padding function, i get more records than when i use Left Padding. That means some records whose zip starts with zero are missing. Any clues?

BOisBest :india: (BOB member since 2004-04-05)

Just to clarify:
If you want to do this in Business Objects Reporter you must use the function FormatNumber. If you are doing it at the database level (such as in Designer) you use To_Char etc. (DBMS specific).

Are you doing all this in Business Objects Reporter or should this be moved to the Designer forum? Or do you want to post the SQL code?

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

I’m doing this at the reporter level. But i’ll try using FormatNumber function. Thanks Andreas.

BOisBest :india: (BOB member since 2004-04-05)