Were are looking to combine a small repository (repA) with a much larger one (repB). All of our users that are using repA have stored their reports on their local PCs (no reports exists in repA). We have 7 universes (one base and 6 derived) in repA and they all have secured connections. I know there’s been a lot of discussion on combining repositories and the only solution I’ve been able to find is copying the universes, changing to a shared connection, opening each report, change the universe, etc. Does anyone know of another solution that doesn’t involve changing each report? I’ve looked at the Universe tables for both repositories and the M_UNI_N_ID values in repA are used by existing universes in repB, so I don’t think I can synchronize the two (plus I’m not real comfortable in changing these values).
Which BO version are using?
Are the universes stored in the repository (repA)? And I would like to know if multiple domains in the same repository is an option for you?
Yes, the universes are all stored in the repository. Yes, multiple domains would be an option. Are you thinking if I create a separate universe domain in repB I could synch the IDs?
Can you tell me if this is correct… The universe ID stored in each document (if it exists in the repository) and BO reads this value when opening a report. Then it queries the repository to check to see if the universe bit is changed, and reimports the universe if it is (I guess when the reimport occurs depends on the users preferences). Then it checks inside the universe for the connection ID (if it’s a secured connection) and queries the repository for the connection parameters. So if I simply recreate the connections in repB and change the connections on the repA universes, and export them to repB, more than likely this won’t work since the IDs may not match.
Ok, I will answer your question after this scenario that I’ve wrote previously to a user and it worked for him, In supervisor, you create two groups, each group has multiple users. - Group1
From supervisor again, from Tools menu…, Repository, you’re able to add a
new Document domain, and new universe domain(you need to use a different Database user ID and password to create the two domains). Now you have 5 domains
Domain1 for Document
Domain1 for Universe
Domain2 for Document
Domain2 for Universe
In the bottom of supervisor, click in Repository tab Disable the two Domains2 for Group1
Disable the two domains1 for Group2
Now user2 from group2 can export all the reports and universes to the new domains.
To answer your question, the ID’s will match since the exact same universe will be in two separate domains, so they will have 2 different ID’s.
Let say User1 from group1 want to refresh a document that exist in both domains,
Business Objects will import or use only the universe that belong to domain1.
Last but not least, you can assign two separate Document Agent for each group.
to do so, right click on group1, and go to properties, click on Document Agent server tab, and assign a DAS to group1, do the same for group2.