We have made some big changes to the database and the universe, but a few reports were left out. Now I have 3 reports that look at the same universe, but the old universe is deleted and new one with same name and connection is published. I am aware that the universe ID has changed, but as a supervisor, I should be able to change the universe ( from my experience with other reporting tools).
Anyone knows how to do this? Do I need to work at the database level directly?
Hi Steve,
I want to understand this issue. I believed that the universe at the report level gets identified by the Universe Short name/Long Name. If we create a report with a universe X and if we delete and recreate universe X shouldn’t our report point to our new universe automatically.
Basically when we used to get these sort of issues while renaming Universes(while standardizing) we used to save a local copy of the universe with the old name, so that the report allows us to open the window to change the Universe in the data manager. May be my understanding is wrong. Can you throw some light on this.
I was able to use the old copy of the universe. I logged in into BO in offline mode. Then replaced the copy of the universe (in …Application Data/BO/Universe) with old copy, and was able to open the document. I was able to change the universe to our QA universe and then later changed it to PROD.
Took long but less than rebuilding it would have…