Changing chart column colors in webi

I need help to change chart colors as i need(EX: If i have to column one is real value another is target value if i take defult color it is taking two different colors. if wnat to chang the target color to some other how i will do OR if there is any possiblity of target can give line on same Y-axis)

kum (BOB member since 2004-03-15)

Along the same lines:
I created a line chart in WebI v6.5.1 displaying three measures resulting in three lines. Initially by default the different lines have different colors. Now, whenever I try to change the color of one line it changes the color of all lines in the chart to that color. Is there any way to change the color of one line, but not of other lines in the same chart?

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

If you want individual lines to change color, you need 3 separate series. In your case you have series with 3 dimensions. It simply doesn’t work that way.

Steve Krandel :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

I know how to create multiple series/groups in the same chart in Full Client, but I do not seem to be able to accomplish the same in WebI. I can turn a table into a chart, but then there is no option to setup series/groups.

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

In order to do this, even in the client, you need multiple measures. You may be able to build a formula to do this. Likely, you’ll need the IF function to build the columns.

Otherwise, you’re using a crosstab and the lines will be the same color.

Steve Krandel :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

To clarify:
I am using one dimension and three different measures. By default a table will be created. I turn the table into a line chart within WebI v6.5.1. I am not able to assign different colors to the different measures (other than the initial default colors). If I change the color it changes the color for all measures displayed in the line chart.

In Full Client I can create a grouping inside the chart (so I can display one measure as a bar chart, one as a line, etc. and assign different colors to the measures as well). In WebI I do not see this option at all. Any thoughts or can anybody verify this?

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)


  1. Unfortunately you cannot change the color of individual lines or bars inside a graph in WebI. The option to “set the primary color” does change the color for all measures. There is a short passage in the doc that states: “If the chart contains multiple measures, all the data series displayed on the bar, line, or marker of the chart display in the color you selected.” Please log this as an enhancement request with TechSupport, so we create more pressure on this one.

  2. You cannot create groups in WebI either. The only way to create a line and a bar in one chart is the “Bar and Line” chart (It’s under the Bar category).

my 2 cents,

Snoopster (BOB member since 2004-10-20)

Tell us that iin the future it was possiible, in this moment is en perfomance this utility.

When Tech Supoort comment me that it is make, I comment us.

I thin taht is a funcionality very important that we can not use … :frowning:


spanish (BOB member since 2005-01-21)

I had a meeting with BO this week and we discussed the proposed Webi functionality in X1 2. Although they could confirm things like synchronisation, increased list of variables, they could not confirm that multiple series in charts would be available. Bearing in mind that the beta release is due for June and prod relaese for Sep (probably) I wonder if all the functionality we would like to see in Webi will be there.

Even the BO guy felt that it “would be a while” before we could live without our frien Full Client

irish_stan :ireland: (BOB member since 2003-05-13)