We are currently looking at trying to create a web page that will permit a user to change their BO password from that page rather than logging into the tool.
Why would we do that? Well, we need to allow users to sync-up their passwords with Teradata since we do a pass-thru of the BO login and password to Teradata. Since there is no way right now to support password changes from BO over to Teradata, the thought of a web tool came up.
I have the code needed to change the Teradata side (very simple in fact). I was just curious as to whether anyone has changed a BO password through a web tool in this way? We are currently on 6.1b.
I am not sure if I understand you…are you saying I can “borrow” code from the JSP of WebI to build my own password change portal? I am going to dig around in the SDK to see if I can find something though…
Supervisor has a command-line tool for importing users.
You could create a web-page that generates a valid CSV file with the user information and just call the executable.
I am sure this would be totally unsupported. Not to mention the security risk involved.
If you could encrypt the password correctly, you could just do a DML statement against the repository.