Cascading Prompts

Does anyone know how to provide a list of values in a prompt based on the value of another prompt without asking the user to enter the value for the initial prompt again? For example, I want to prompt the user for a deal number and then provide them the list of revision numbers associated with that worksheet id to select from.

Thanks for your help,

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Susan asks:

Does anyone know how to provide a list of values in a prompt based on the value of another prompt without asking the user to enter the value for the initial prompt again? For example, I want to prompt the user for a deal number and then provide them the list of revision numbers associated with that worksheet id to select from.

For the Revision# object, edit its ListOfValues query so that its Result Object is the Revision# and its condition is a prompt based on the Deal# object (i.e. Deal# Equal to Prompt (‘Enter a Deal Number’)). Be sure to set it to “Automatic refresh before use”.

In your report query, have a prompt condition based on the Revision#. When you run the report the user is first prompted for the Revision#, but when they press the Values button they will be prompted for the Deal#. Once the Deal# is selected (or typed-in), a filtered list appears for the Revision#'s. You can restrict users from typing the Revision# in the first prompt by making it a Predefined Condition in the universe that uses the @Prompt function and is set to “Constrained”.

I hope this is a workable solution. Regards! _______________________________________________________ Andy Oliver
Carolina Power & Light

From: Susan Pitts[SMTP:Susan.Pitts@HDS.COM] Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 1998 6:20 PM

Does anyone know how to provide a list of values in a prompt based on the value of another prompt without asking the user to enter the value for the initial prompt again? For example, I want to prompt the user for a deal number and then provide them the list of revision numbers associated with that worksheet id to select from.

Thanks for your help,

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Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)


It is possible to create a list of values that will contain a list of Deal Numbers, and then a list of Revision numbers for each. You can do this by creating a LOV that contains more than one object. When you group the objects, you end up with a list of folders that expand out to a list of objects.

For instance, you can create an LOV for Resorts that contains the objects: Country and Resort Name. This will give you a folder of Country Names and then a listing of all of the resorts under each Country.

This will give you a single prompt that has two functions. If this doesn’t work for you, I think we can create a subquery based on the results of another object… For the second object create an @Prompt that returns the Deal Numbers, and the Main query will prompt for Revision numbers.


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Search the archives for Cascading prompts. There are lots of methods for this.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)