Whether Cascading Prompts works in WEBI?
krgodbole (BOB member since 2003-02-24)
Whether Cascading Prompts works in WEBI?
krgodbole (BOB member since 2003-02-24)
Simple answer: Yes
A) Please, try a search on BOB in the WebI forum, suggested keywords: Cascading prompt
B) Start with this post
Which leads me to:
I just do not like how cascading prompts are working in Business Objects, they are kind of backwards (you start out at the lowest level, then work up your way to the highest level, then back to the lowest level when filling out prompts). I demonstrated to a user a cascading prompt (3 levels) and a custom hierarchical prompt. He decided to go with the hierarchical prompt.
Andreas (BOB member since 2002-06-20)
Thanks a lot for your reply.
You are right. cascading prompts are backwards. Can you please let me know how i can implement custom hierarchical prompt for the same purpose.
I have Prompt for Ids and their Roles. Currently in cascading prompt Role prompt appear first and when click on values prompt for Ids appears.
How i can customize hierarchical prompt to get Ids prompt first and then role prompt for selected Id.
also is there anyway we can bypass ID prompt base on some condition and show only Role Prompt.
Thanks in advance
krgodbole (BOB member since 2003-02-24)