I just set up 2 new users that will be creating queries and reports. After they log in to InfoView and select New Document plus the universe, they cannot see the class/objects tree in the Jave Query Panel. I have enabled almost everything in Supervisor concerning Webi. Would appreciate any help.
Are you sure that the Java query panel loaded onto their machines? They may not have the proper rights to let it install. Try logging into their machines using an administrator account, and see if it will work then. If you can get it load once as administrator, they will be able to use it after that, logged in as themselves.
I tweaked a permission setting in Supervisor and this fixed the situation. In the Configuration tab, for Web Intelligence Command Restrictions/Administration, there is a setting called “Download 3-Tier Business Objects” that was disabled. I set to enable and things were fine. The description of this setting is a little mis-leading but this seemed to be the fix.