Cannot retrieve time reference for the Security Server

Could some one tell me what error this is?


************************************************************* Hans Kingma
Unisource Carrier Services
Industriestrasse 21
8304 Wallisellen
Phone: +41 1 839 32 11
Fax: +41 1 839 32 95

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

This means that you installed Document Agent Server after you installed the repository with supervisor.
You need to do a recovery with supervisor.

hope this helps. Nils

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)


–0__=dH56iG7lJHb7bcl1X5LGh47rMUoOSXOniFAr4GeQce4katIi93GqGwQA Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

I have seen this problem corrected with a safe recovery, but if that does not work the problem may be with the middleware. If a safe recovery does not work, reinstall the whatever middleware you may be using. This worked for me.

image moved Nils & Gerda De Caster - Torck nilsdc@XS4ALL.BE to file: 09/18/98 12:49 PM

Please respond to Business Objects Query Tool BUSOB-L@LISTSERV.AOL.COM

cc: (bcc: Patricia Sementa/CHASE)

This means that you installed Document Agent Server after you installed the repository with supervisor.
You need to do a recovery with supervisor. hope this helps. Nils

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)


–0__=QDeoPMr6NN7aRDrfidE2rxM2XXQBM956RP9sEUps2M3R70rF9YEd48oT Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline

I’ve come across this alarming message a few times in the past, but after several more attempts the connection to the Security Server could be established after all… without safe recovery, nor re-installation of the middleware.

This is just to say: don’t panic as soon as you see that message – just keep trying for a while before deciding to do the safe recovery.


Patricia.Sementa@CHASE.COM on 18-09-98 20:18:47

Please respond to Business Objects Query Tool BUSOB-L@LISTSERV.AOL.COM

Sent by: Patricia.Sementa@CHASE.COM

cc: (bcc: Mirko Vonck/Cortex/Antwerp/BE/SGS)

I have seen this problem corrected with a safe recovery, but if that does not work the problem may be with the middleware. If a safe recovery does not work, reinstall the whatever middleware you may be using. This worked for me.

image moved Nils & Gerda De Caster - Torck nilsdc@XS4ALL.BE to file: 09/18/98 12:49 PM

Please respond to Business Objects Query Tool BUSOB-L@LISTSERV.AOL.COM

cc: (bcc: Patricia Sementa/CHASE)

This means that you installed Document Agent Server after you installed the repository with supervisor.
You need to do a recovery with supervisor. hope this helps. Nils

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

I eventually found out the source of the problem. It was our SQL server which holds the repository not having any free connections. The error message could be more descriptive , though, Something like: “Not able to connect to Repository”, or the like.

thanks for the suggestions anyhow


************************************************************* Hans Kingma
Unisource Carrier Services
Industriestrasse 21
8304 Wallisellen
Phone: +41 1 839 32 11
Fax: +41 1 839 32 95


I’ve come across this alarming message a few times in the past, but after several more attempts the connection to the Security Server could be established after all… without safe recovery, nor re-installation of the middleware.

This is just to say: don’t panic as soon as you see that message – just keep trying for a while before deciding to do the safe recovery.


Patricia.Sementa@CHASE.COM on 18-09-98 20:18:47

Please respond to Business Objects Query Tool BUSOB-L@LISTSERV.AOL.COM

Sent by: Patricia.Sementa@CHASE.COM

cc: (bcc: Mirko Vonck/Cortex/Antwerp/BE/SGS)

I have seen this problem corrected with a safe recovery, but if that does
not work the problem may be with the middleware. If a safe recovery does not work, reinstall the whatever middleware you may
be using. This worked for me.

image moved Nils & Gerda De Caster - Torck nilsdc@XS4ALL.BE to file: 09/18/98 12:49 PM

Please respond to Business Objects Query Tool BUSOB-L@LISTSERV.AOL.COM

cc: (bcc: Patricia Sementa/CHASE)

This means that you installed Document Agent Server after you installed the
repository with supervisor.
You need to do a recovery with supervisor. hope this helps. Nils
Van: hans.kingma@UNISOURCE-UCS.COM hans.kingma@UNISOURCE-UCS.COM Aan: BUSOB-L@LISTSERV.AOL.COM BUSOB-L@LISTSERV.AOL.COM Datum: vrijdag 18 september 1998 15:25
Onderwerp: Cannot retrieve time reference for the Security Server

Could some one tell me what error this is?


************************************************************* Hans Kingma
Unisource Carrier Services
Industriestrasse 21
8304 Wallisellen
Phone: +41 1 839 32 11
Fax: +41 1 839 32 95

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Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)