Cannot retrieve time reference for the Security domain. (U

Hello again,

One of our users is getting the “Cannot retrieve time reference for the Security domain. (USR0014)” error when she is trying to log in to full client. We tried to do everything recommended in the manual in case of this error - it still doesn’t work!

Any ideas?

Thank you.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

(USR0 014)

What kind of DataBase do you use for your repository?


Alexey Yevseyenko
BO Team Manager
VID Data Warehouse project
A/S DATI, Skanstes iela 13
LV 1013 Riga, Latvia

Ok, this is what the manual says causes the problem:

"This message can be displayed immediately after you perform a Safe Recovery, and then try to log into any BusinessObjects application. The problem is caused because the connection defined in the Safe Recovery process is functional but no longer points to the repository.

This error may also be generated if the key file in the LocData folder is incorrect. The key file contains the address of the security domain."

The manual suggests running SafeRecovery again and replacing the BOMain.key. We did. Also, we are using the same BOMain.key file for all users, so if it wasn’t working it wouldn’t work for any of them.

We also tried reinstalling BusinessObjects, and we checked the version of ODBC drivers on her computer. The only differences between her machine and mine are that she has Windows 95 and I have Windows 98, and her ODBC drivers are more recent.

Thank you everybody!

— Charles Killam wrote:


Perhaps you should post the things you tried so we can determine if we have
anything else to add.

Thank you

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Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Can this user connect to repository database / instance?

Do you use a host name that is not defined to her pc? Defined differently?

Does she have MSSQL on her box; and if so, can she view data in the tables?

Just curious, it seems like you have checked the BO stuff out right…

Good Luck,

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Hi Gurus,
Just reopening this topic. My colleague gets this error
“cannot retrieve the time reference for the security domain (USR0014)”
when she tries to open Designer or Supervisor or BusinessObjects.

  • I checked in her locdata folder and found that file type of the Bomainkey file is “Registration Entries” and not “KEY File”.

  • I deleted that BOmain key thinking that some problem, and deleted the respective files in database and recreated Bomain key.

  • Still the file type of the Bomainkey file is “Registration Entries”.

  • First time I was able to login to Designer, Supervisor and Reporter. Once I closed and reopened for second time I am not able to login, it says the error shown above.

    So I am confused, first of all why is that computer alone showing the file name as "Registration Entries"and not “KEY File”.
    Next this error. Why is it coming up and remedy for it. :confused:

BO_Lad (BOB member since 2004-08-16)

I wouldn’t worry about that. Something in the operating system (Windows) or some software that was installed told the operating system that “*.key” file extensions are automatically to be associated with some application – if you double-click it. Just don’t try double-clicking the BOMain.key – else that application will probably try to update the Registry with it. :rotf: …I think that’s just a red herring.

I’m suspecting it has something to do with how your middleware is configured. What database are you using, and with what middleware?

Anita Craig :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-17)