We have a custom application that submits batch reports to the Broadcast Agent. We are continually getting the error "Cannot insert document in the document domain(Database error during export. Export stopped. (BCA0117)]. The error only occurs intermittently on both our Production and Test BCA which are on different repositories. It will get through a certain amount and stop with this message and then some users will get this while trying to send a document through standard BO to the BCA. We have checked our database and there are no space issues. We are getting ready to run a scan repair compact on the repository to see if that fixes it but we aren’t too confident. Please let me know if anyone has any ideas on this.
I have seen in the past where - specifically in SDK or programed solutions - BCA just “gives up” on trying to receive new jobs. What I have done (it’s a bit but I’ll share it anyway) is to simply put my submission into a loop.
The job is attempted 3 times. Each time I check for success or failure. If the job fails, I wait some time interval (a few seconds to 30 seconds) and then submit again. I code the loop to try 3 times, and if failure is returned on all 3 times then I log my own application error.
However, it never seems to take more than two tries. So it’s a bit kludgy, but it seems to work. Perhaps something like that could help in your situation too?
In my case, the problem was coming from the automatic reboot of the BCA server. There is a parameter for setting the frequency of these reboots.
I don’t know exactly what is the goal of this reboot procedure but, by default, it was set to 120 min. And our BCA server takes about 7 min to reboot.
In my case, it means the macro has to try more than 3 times to send the document to the BCA !
The issue is caused by a limit on the number of characters that can be inserted into the description attribute. (This limit may also apply to other report attributes but I havent tested to find out).
The attribute is limited to 249 characters, when you send a document to the BCA manualy the interface will simply not allow more than this. However if you are attempting to use the SDK this is the rather ambiguous error message you can expect to receive.
BCA does not handle this error very well & will not allow any other reports to be scheduled even if their attributes are valid until it has re-started itself. (So the length of this period will depend on the set up of your BCA server). This is why your suggestion to try after a delay period would work, but is not very effective.