Some of our reports in BCA failed with the following error message:
Cannot get BOManager. (BCAG0090) - NT or UNIX - System exception name: CORBA::NO_IMPLEMENT Minor=0 Completed=No
I did a search on BOB but I can’t find a whole lot of information on this problem exception that BOManager is somehow stopped.
I looked at the log file and I noticed the following sequence of events:
Gatekeeper died
Gatekeeper started
Exiting BO Manager
Staring BO Manager
Exiting BO Manager
Broadcast Agent Scheduler is start
Starting BO Manager
… and so on
Does anyone know what’s causing the problem? Why BO Manager is stopped and started and stopped?
The BOManager will be stopped and started if it’s been inactive for it’s shutdown time, it’ll recycle itself. Try increasing the autoshutdown time…
If that doesn’t help…
Login to the Admin tool - highlight the BOManager. Do you see it’s parameters or does it say something along the lines of “This module has no parameters to be set”.
Go to regedit and HKLM\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\5.0\Shared\Administration Services\5.0\BOManager (it’s something like this path…)
Add in a string value called WaitForCompletionTime and set it to 300…
We are also experiencing the same issue and the reason for this issue is BOMGR is not able to start properly as per the autshutdown parameter.If we increase this parameter.i dont think it will solve the problem.As per BO,this is a BOMGR problem and there is a patch developed by BO.This issue has beem fixed in BO version 5.1.8
If it’s the no parameters problem this has been around since 5.1.5 and the fix was in 5.1.6 but was never activated as not all customers needed it. Just add the reg key in…