In 61b (ASP) I get an error when trying to delete a personal category. there is no error code - it simply just say: All items were not deleted.
The category is empty, and my profile has the “Manage personal categories” enabled in supervisor.
Any server issues here? I am able to delete documents.
I am also having the same problem.
The problem is:I could not delete my personal category in 6.1b ASP.
The error is : 'All items were not deleted"
The work flow is:
Create a personal category in webi (6.1b ASP)
and then try to delete it . It comes up with error 'All items were not deleted" in red letters with a cross mark before it. no error number.
I found that its creating a category.ctg file on server (@installpath/…/storage/user/username) as soon as we create a category.
But when we try to delete it comes up with above error.
I have saved some document under that personal category and then succesfully deleted the document under it. And after that also I tried to delete the category. But still the same error.
In Supervisor ‘Manage Personal category’ is enabled for this user.
I too got the same answer from Tech Support.
They said its fixed in 6.5
But as of now(6.1b) I can use the following settings for the following puposes.
Purpose 1 : To allow the user to create, delete and modify his personal categories and NOT TO allow managing Corporate Categories:
Settings in Supervisor:
Webi ->Infoview->Manage All Corporate Categories - disabled
Webi ->Infoview->Manage My Corporate Categories - enabled
Webi ->Infoview->Manage Personal Categories - enabled
Purpose 2 : To allow the user to create, delete and modify his personal categories and also managing Corporate Categories (both My and All corporate categories) i.e everything
Settings in Supervisor: enable all of the 3 above.
So in 6.1b ‘Manage only My corporate categories’ is not working .This is fixed in 6.5 according to Tech Support.