Cannot delete personal category in 6.1.b

Hi all,

In 61b (ASP) I get an error when trying to delete a personal category. there is no error code - it simply just say: All items were not deleted.
The category is empty, and my profile has the “Manage personal categories” enabled in supervisor.

Any server issues here? I am able to delete documents.

Any help is appreciated.




TEll (BOB member since 2003-05-01)

Working on it as we speak :slight_smile:


jjensen (BOB member since 2002-12-12)

I am also having the same problem.
The problem is:I could not delete my personal category in 6.1b ASP.
The error is : 'All items were not deleted"
The work flow is:
Create a personal category in webi (6.1b ASP)
and then try to delete it . It comes up with error 'All items were not deleted" in red letters with a cross mark before it. no error number.
I found that its creating a category.ctg file on server (@installpath/…/storage/user/username) as soon as we create a category.
But when we try to delete it comes up with above error.
I have saved some document under that personal category and then succesfully deleted the document under it. And after that also I tried to delete the category. But still the same error.

In Supervisor ‘Manage Personal category’ is enabled for this user.

Has anyone experienced the same problem.

Thanks in advance

BigV :australia: (BOB member since 2003-12-04)

Has anyone experienced the same. Any fixes ??

Thank you

BigV :australia: (BOB member since 2003-12-04)

We have the same thing going on, and the answer from support was to wait on the next release.

Right now, the only thing to do seems to be to physically delete the .ctg files you were talking about from user folder on the server.

Maybe not super helpful, but there you go.

DrDro (BOB member since 2004-03-19)

Thank you DrDro.

I too got the same answer from Tech Support.
They said its fixed in 6.5
But as of now(6.1b) I can use the following settings for the following puposes.

Purpose 1 : To allow the user to create, delete and modify his personal categories and NOT TO allow managing Corporate Categories:

Settings in Supervisor:
Webi ->Infoview->Manage All Corporate Categories - disabled
Webi ->Infoview->Manage My Corporate Categories - enabled
Webi ->Infoview->Manage Personal Categories - enabled

Purpose 2 : To allow the user to create, delete and modify his personal categories and also managing Corporate Categories (both My and All corporate categories) i.e everything
Settings in Supervisor: enable all of the 3 above.

So in 6.1b ‘Manage only My corporate categories’ is not working .This is fixed in 6.5 according to Tech Support.

BigV :australia: (BOB member since 2003-12-04)

This is a bug…i had the same problem and found a workoround for it.

With the above settings, also enable the “Manage Web Publications” option under “Publications” folder. This took care of the problem for me.

Another work around is to enable “Manage all Corporate categories”. This is kinda risky though…


Kashif Saeed :pakistan: (BOB member since 2004-06-02)