cannot create VBA macro (FRM0025)

When I select the VBA editor from the “tools” menu, nothing happens. If I go to the “Macros” menu and select “Create,” I get an error that says “cannot create VBA macro (FRM0025)”.


Vijay K (BOB member since 2004-01-15)

While your report is open, Press Alt + F11
It will take you to VBA editor where you can create macros.

See if you still get the error.

mkumar (BOB member since 2002-08-26)

No, I still get that error


Vijay K (BOB member since 2004-01-15)

Are you using ZABO (3-Tier)?

If so the VBA portion of your install was not performed. Your WebI server needs to have a .jsp file modified to allow for installation of VBA components.

If that is not the issue, you may also have use of VBA disabled at the supervisor level. Consult your BO Admin about this.

n5xjb :us: (BOB member since 2003-09-15)