This is definitlely a middleware problem. BO is trying to access the
repository. Make sure that your path in your autoexec.bat is pointing to
the right place. Also, make sure that there are no spaces at the end of
your statements. I find that the autoexec doesn’t like them so delete them.
Save and reboot. Later lister.
Check your middleware installation e.g., SQL*Net.
It’s trying to find your *.DLL files. The location of these files needs to be in a path that Bus
Obj can find. I put the location in my autoexec.bat file, usually …C:\Orawin95\bin.
If your DLL’s are stored on a networked drive, I usually have to modify the Properties of the
Windows95 shortcut to “Start In:” that directory e.g., K:\Orawin95\bin.
Good luck,
Roger Poole
We have a guy here who has just installed
1) a new PC; and
2) Business Objects 4.1.4
He's getting a message the he "cannot access the network layer" right
after he puts in his BO password.
One of my users recently installed Business Objects on a co-workers PC and
he gets the following error message when trying to log on, cannot access
network layer. They did install Oracle before installing BO, but when
they installed Oracle they mistakenly didnt tell it to make the necessary
changes to the autoexec.bat. With the help guide and they edited the
autoexec.bat, but it still didnt work. They also tried reinstalling
Oracle and BO, but it still didnt work.
After a few installs and uninstalls of Business Objects on a user’s Windows
95 PC, there were multiple path entries in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Some
pointed to the right place and some did not. So I trimmed out all the
incorrect and redundant path entries and restarted the PC. That fixed the
The only other caution I have is, be sure that your path is less than 128
characters long in total. If your Business Objects path entries are at the
end of a path statement that is too long, they may end up being truncated or
eliminated from memory and you would get that error.
They are installing SQL*Net right? You need that middleware to access Oracle.
The path specified in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file should be the same path as the one in your registry
identified by ORACLE_HOME, except it will also include the \BIN subdirectory. In other words, if
your ORACLE_HOME is C:\ORAWIN95, then your AUTOEXEC.BAT entry will say something like
Something else I’ve found that works covers problems when your Oracle is installed on a file
server. If that is the case, Business Objects doesn’t seem to find it very well, even if you
specified it during setup. I have to go into the shortcut properties and enter the Start In
parameter to be e.g., J:\ORAWIN95\BIN.
Good Luck,
Roger Poole
I am using BOv4.x, I have two different Universes in two different Repositories. To access them I change the BOMain key file, I can only access on of the Universes when I try to access the second one I get an error “Cannot Access Network Layer”.
Additionally information is that one Repository is in Oracle and the other is in Sybase.
Does anyone know why this is happening?
Thanks in advance.
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This error is not caused by middleware. It is caused because the machine you are running this from doesn’t have the BO/Sybase connectivity layer installed.