Can not export LOVs


if you want to export your universe to domain B , you must also have a
document domain C with the same data account as the universe domain B ,
because the List of Values are exported in the document domain.

Ute Kloos

Ioannis Hasandras schrieb:

Hello everyone.

I have a user, who is trying to export a Universe;
when he exports it to domain A no problems
when he tries to axport it to domain B
he gets an error (or warning message) like:
“Can not export List Of Values; the document domain is under a different
data account”.

Any hints?

Many thanks indeed.


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Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

I don’t know if you found the solution to this problem but try to delete
the existing universe and LOV’s on the second domain from the repository
(done through Supervisor) before exporting the universe.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)