After importing (not copying) my universe in 5.0 I am not able to create user objects.
(My PC has Windows NT and Oracle 8, I just a different PC where I loaded Oracle 8, Bo 4.1.5 and 5.0 simultaneously)
I have tried to create a user object directly in the query panel and under the option Tools - Universe.
Either way it looks like the PC is thinking and is getting ready to open the window to let me create the user objects (I get the hour glass for a couple of seconds) but instead of opening up the window the screen just sort of blinks and nothing else happens.
Has anyone had this problem and were you able to correct the problem?
After importing (not copying) my universe in 5.0 I am not able to
user objects.
(My PC has Windows NT and Oracle 8, I just a different PC where I
Oracle 8, Bo 4.1.5 and 5.0 simultaneously)
I have experienced this problem, and started pulling hair out. BO technical support insisted that this was due to incorrect permissions. However, after much to-ing and fro-ing it appears that it is a bug. To ‘solve’ this problem first close BO client, then go to your universe directory and locate the *.udo file with the same name as the universe you are using, i.e. if the universe is called profit.unv the udo file will be profit.udo.
Once located, delete this file and restart BO client. The user objects button should, with any luck, start working again. The problem with this solution however, is that if you have any existing user objects for that universe, they will be lost when you delete the file. Perhaps an alternative is to temporarily rename the file, start BO, access user objects, then quit BO and rename the file back. This may kick-start it into working although I haven’t tried it yet.