Can any one tell me how can i save the Businessobjects 6.1 report into Excel format (.xls).
I wants my xls reports looks like just a xls file not like the BO file.
header, date and other objects should sit in only one cell just like the Xls file, rows/columns should start from column positon (1,A).
Iam using vba macros for exporting to excel file but i want fully formatted report which should like Excel file.
Try it manually via File/Save As…the .xls produced there will be the same as the one you do via VBA. If you’re not happy with that, then you’re a bit stuck.
Iam sorry for misguiding u,
when i use save as excel it saves in BO report format.
Ex:- Header will occupy more than one cell.
reports starts from Column B instead of column A …
I think “starting in B2 instead of A1” is a known bug. Others will need to chime in on that since we’re not on v6 yet.
If you want the report in Excel unformatted, the manual approach is to do Edit, Copy All, then Paste Special in Excel. The best automated approach would be to ExportAsText and open / link to that file using Excel.
You can use the VBA macros to format your excel Doc - it’s quite a pain, but we have several reports we do this with.
You need to save the BO report as a txt file and then open it up using an Excel Application Object.
You can get the formatting VBA code directly within Excel. Just open up your txt file with Excel and start an Excel Macro. Make your changes, stop the macro and then copy the formatting code and put in back into your BO VBA macro. You can set column widths, colors, filters, sorts, fonts…
Good luck if you try this - it’s tedius, but it can be done.