Calender Control

Hi All

My user wants to use Calender Control for FROM DATE , TO DATE Prompts.

Could you tell me how to use it?

I am using BO 6.1a

[Moved to SDK Forum. - Dave]

Ajay (BOB member since 2004-03-13)

Any Guidance ? Any thoughts?


Ajay (BOB member since 2004-03-13)

Are you using Webi (JSP or ASP) or Full Client?

If you ar working with WebI, you should be able to create a Wrapper JSP using standers Javascipt based calnder popups to manage date prompts.

shamit (BOB member since 2004-07-01)

If it’s full client you can place the control on a form and show it on the before_refresh event…

chrishogben (BOB member since 2003-06-26)

chrishogben, could u give more details on how to use the before_refresh event?

Thank you

dideb (BOB member since 2005-07-05)

Hello Ajay,

Did you manage to use Calender Control for date prompts? If yes, please give me a thread on how to start.

Thank you,


dideb (BOB member since 2005-07-05)