I have a report using calc. context in a crosstab
Rowwise: costCode(1st dp), Bus.Line
Col. Projcode, costCode(2nd dp)
Body: Amount
The problem am facing is this. I dont have to display Projcode in col.wise. one costcode is having multiple projcode. So i cant hide it as well. The only option is to remove it from this crosstab. But the calc has to be ((Amount) in (Costcode(1st dp)),Busline), that gives me the sum per costcode(1st dp) per bus.line. But also I need costcode(2nd dp) as well. I tried by using (sum(amount) in (((Amount) in (Costcode(1st dp)),Busline)) Foreach Costcode(2nd dp),projcode) and too many permutations and combinations. But nothing is coming out. What am getting is sum of all the costcode(1st dp), busline. The data sample has given below
Row 1: Ccode(1st dp)
Sample data: 102 105 107 108 and etc…
Row 2: Bus Line (1st dp)
sample data: BIXBIX BICBIC BIGBIG AMAMAM and etc.
Col 1:
Project code: costcode(2nd dp) Body(amount)
xxx2di 201 500 700
xxx3di 202 600 800
xxx4di 203 700 900
xxx3di 201 500 300
xxx4di 202 600 800
xxx2di 203 700 500
Total 3600 4000
But when i remove this projcode from the crosstab column
My result shd look like this…
Row 1: Ccode(1st dp)
Sample data: 102 105 107 108 and etc…
Row 2: Bus Line (1st dp)
sample data: BIXBIX BICBIC BIGBIG AMAMAM and etc.
Col 1:
costcode(2nd dp) Body(amount)
201 1000 1000
202 1200 1600
203 1400 1400
Total 3600 4000
But the amount am using sum(amount) in (ccode(1st dp),busline(1st dp) it gives me 3600 for all the costcodes which is incorrect.
So I need some help from u guys to sort this problem very quickly as am struggling for last couple of days in this calc. context with various perm. and combi…
Hope I’ll get a reply with BOB Gurus with solutions…
echkay2k (BOB member since 2003-12-10)