BUSOBJ.exe Usage In The BCA


If I schedule a report via the BCA will that report use the same BUSOBJ.exe process for the who period it takes to run the report, mine seem to be and this is an issue as one reporting is taking all the memory.

If I can change it whats the paremeter in BCA admin panel :confused:

Rich :uk: (BOB member since 2002-10-04)

Yes, is the short answer. I bet this relates to your nightmare-report BCA thread from yesterday. If so, and if you have perfmon, you can watch the individual processes and thereby prove this yourself. I don’t suppose you can run it at a quiet time?

Nick Daniels :uk: (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

I’m running it on a dev box now, so got maximum resource, machine has 2gb mem, 2 cpus and win2003 spk3.

I even get the error if I log on to the BCA server, open up BO directly and refresh the report. By running it directly do I over-ride the BOManager timeouts etc .

I just cant pin point where the problem is :confused:

Rich :uk: (BOB member since 2002-10-04)

Answer : No it doesnt :cry:

Rich :uk: (BOB member since 2002-10-04)

What was the question :confused:

Have you tried limiting the number of rows to see if it works, or only allowing one DP to be refreshable - stuff like that - just to pinpoint the bit of the report that is a pain. Tidying up objects not used, variables, formulas? Remove unwanted sorts, filters etc?

Nick Daniels :uk: (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

No it doesnt : What I meant was if you kick off BO on the BCA server directly would it still pick up the timeout settings your define in the BCA Admin.

In the end the issue was the reports were eating up all the memory.

The reports in question start off looking at the highest level of the Business Div, over a 12 month period. The thing was he also want to be able to drill down to the lowest being trade level, its effectly a Global overview report which can be used to drill down to the lowest level. He was not willing to use drill through. The report is very complex.

Out of interest how would other people address the issue of wanting to be able to report from the highest level to the lowest level over a 12 month period, without bringing all the data back, if the user wouldnt use Drill through. The whole issue is the volume of data, the reports are returning 1.3 mil rows on average and this will increase. Would the only solution to be do it the way I have done it and just make sure I have enough PC / Server power to handle it or is there anything else.


Rich :uk: (BOB member since 2002-10-04)

I’d sit down with the person and get them to explain to me how they actually use the report. Typically, you are then able to pick holes in what they do. For example, there will be a column they don’t use at all, or it may turn out it isn’t the last 12 months but is year to date - so right now you might not have the problem - worry about December etc when it comes? I just can’t believe all them there rows of data are being used!

Nick Daniels :uk: (BOB member since 2002-08-15)