business query setup

Sorry to dredge this up again, but there may some new opinion out there.

We are having reliability problems with business query. Our setup is Windows95, Excel for windows95 version 7, and Business Query 4.1

I have read on this list before that an upgrade to NT and excel 97 would do us a lot of good and have passed that on to the powers that be at this site. However NT is deemed to not be an option. Has anyone found any success for BQ in Windows95?

Any experiences/theories/horror stories/jokes etc. appreciated.

Chris Timm
BP Gas Marketing Services.
London, UK.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

We have serveral users using Business Query 4.1.1 and Excel 97 on Windows 95 without any problems reported yet. I have not tried Business Query with Excel version 7.

====================================================================== Dennis Edgecombe e-mail:
Senior Data Analyst phone:(509)335-7062
Washington State University fax: (509)335-6635,5-7062
Information Technology homepage:
PO Box 641222
Pullman, WA 99164-1222


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

We have several users using Business Query 4.1.1 and Excel 97 on Windows 95 without any problems reported yet. I have not tried Business Query with Excel version 7.

Dennis Edgecombe
Washington State University

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Dennis Edgecombe – Thanks for you comment Dennis. It’s nice to know somebody has no troubles :slight_smile:

I’ve done a bit more digging around with this one and I’ve come to the conclusion that an upgrade to Excel 97 would do us a lot of good. Unfortunatley compatibility issues across a large company is limiting what we can do. I did hear of a patch that fixes excel 7.0 API calls to make them like Excel 97. Sorry to get off topic a bit but this might help some of the BQers out there. Can anybody confirm the existence of such a patch or where I might find it?

Thanks in advance,
Chris Timm.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)