Business Objects for form letters?


I remember a thread a while back about using Business Objects for labels, but has anyone tried (with any success?) using BusObj for form letter generation?

Amy Miller

Amy A. Miller, Data Analyst
University of Pennsylvania ISC
Office of Data Administration
3401 Walnut, Suite 265C /6228
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6228
Phone: 215-898-2171 Fax:215-898-0386

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Hi Amy;

I would use OLE automation to automate Word. There is an example on my WEB site:
The example is called Label Generator.



I remember a thread a while back about using Business Objects for labels, but has anyone tried (with any success?) using BusObj for form letter generation?

Amy Miller

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Amy A. Miller schrieb:


I remember a thread a while back about using Business Objects for labels, but has anyone tried (with any success?) using BusObj for form letter generation?

This should be no Problem at all, you could use BO to retrieve the info from DB, export to some Word-importable format and write it in Word OR
You can create a form directly in BO and popuklate it with data from the DB. This is like any other BO report.
(You know, you can rearrange all cells in a report to any layout…)


DI Walter Muellner
Delphi Software GmbH, Vivenotgasse 48, A-1120 Vienna / Austria Tel: +43-1-8151456-12, Fax: +43-1-8151456-21 e-mail:, WEB:

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)