BusinessObjects Board

BO4 - security dual approach - thoughts possible?


We are currently implementing a new security model for BO4.

Wondering about if possible to have dual approach i.e content groups and application groups whereby each user belongs to a content group which should define what they can do in a particular folder and an application group which defines what they can do in a particular application e.g. create docuemnts at all etc.

e.g all finance users belong to Finance group and each of these users belongs to one of 3 groups (Power Users,

Broadly speaking we have following situation.

Each department has own folder and up to 3 distinct groups of users per deparment

e.g Finance department - 3 groups of Finance users - ones who should have power user rights (write + schedule privileges), writers (can write new reports but not schedule)

and readers who can simply run reports but not create new ones or schedule ones.

All of these groups should be able to read documents in the Finance folder, writers to be able to save to Finance folder and power users able to add sub-folders to Finance folder etc.

Thinking of 2 possible routes

Option A

create following groups

Finance Power Users

Finace Writers

Finance Readers

Set up 3 access levels Power User, Reader and Writer and define both application and content rights in these access levels then give the above 3 groups the approp access level to the Finance folder

i…e access levels combine contanet and application level access rights

Option B

Set up Finance group - add all Finnace users to this group

Set up 3 groups Power Users, Writers and Readers

Set up 6 access levels 3 for controlling access to what user can do in application e.g Power User, Writer and Reader

and 3 to control the content level a particular group has access to to mirro with regards saving to folder, sheduling to folder, viweing from gfolder

i…e access levels control content and application rights separately.



philipo (BOB member since 2005-07-22)

I’m not 100% sure what has been added to R4 (installing my system as we speak… come on stupid patches, complete already!!).

It sounds like you’re doing exactly what I did at my previous company. Specific Access Levels for Content Permissions and specific Access Levels for Application Permissions. Then each group was granted 1 level from each side on any given object/folder/universe etc…

There’s a rather nice lecture that Dwayne has given at a few of the conferences entitled “Security for Mere Mortals” which describes the concept extremely well.
You can find a copy on the forums here at Security for Mere Mortals Thread

JPetlev (BOB member since 2006-11-01)


philipo (BOB member since 2005-07-22)