BO : Crosstab with several classification

X-cc: Jean-Marc MOREL


I use BO 4.1.2 on Oracle Database (Ver 7.1.6).

Here are the information i have in database :

Shop ind 1 ind2
nƒ1 15 20
nƒ2 17 12
nƒ3 16 15
nƒ4 20 13

And i want to obtain this crosstab :

shop ind1 order 1 ind2 order2
nƒ4 20 1 13 3
nƒ2 17 2 12 4
nƒ3 16 3 15 2
nƒ1 15 4 20 1

Does someone have an Idea to realize this document.

Thanks a lot

Laurent DUMONT
Chef de Projet Informatique

TÈl direct : 03 20 99 37 49
Fax : 03 20 99 95 10

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

You can do this:

Create a new variable called <ind1 - negative> with the formula “= -1 * ”. Do the same for ind2.
Then use the ranking function with the formula: Rank( ,<ind1 - negative>) for each of your classification columns. Then set a descending sort on each of these columns starting form left to right.

Best Regards,

Andrew J. Erthal

Post Sales Consultant - Central
Business Objects Americas
Chicago Office (847) 391-9898
St. Louis Office (314) 209-1994
St. Louis Fax (314) 209-7926

From: Laurent DUMONT [SMTP:ldumont@CAMAIEU-HOMME.COM] Hi,

I use BO 4.1.2 on Oracle Database (Ver 7.1.6).

Here are the information i have in database :

Shop ind 1 ind2
nƒ1 15 20
nƒ2 17 12
nƒ3 16 15
nƒ4 20 13

And i want to obtain this crosstab :

shop ind1 order 1 ind2 order2
nƒ4 20 1 13 3
nƒ2 17 2 12 4
nƒ3 16 3 15 2
nƒ1 15 4 20 1

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)