BO crashes on List of Values

We have three universe domains: development, test and production. We also have a lot of problems when we transfer the universes from one domain to another. One of these problems is that our LOV’s are behaving very strange. Sometimes they work just fine, but in many cases they display values from other objects we did’t define them to display.

While we are in the process of adjusting the LOV’s weget more serious problems:

Some of the LOV’s actually make BO crash. Unfortunately this is a “feature” we are able to reproduce on different machines.

Any ideas what’s going wrong and how to solve this?

Desiree Schipper

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

I was on a project where this occurred; however, this was a derived and kernel universe approach. What was happening was that BO was writing over some of the LOVs. Since the documents and LOVs are stored in the same table OBJ_X_DOCUMENTS, we were losing some of our LOVs when we sent documents to the repository. We ended up redoing the entire LOV (over 1600 of them) and kept multiple backups (both local copies of the universe files which contained the LOV and backups of the repository where BO stored the LOVs) during this process. When we finally had it all together, we made more backups of the finished process. A long, arduous task.

I believe that the newer versions of BO fix this. What version of BO are you using?


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

<<Some of the LOV’s actually make BO crash. Unfortunately this is a

“feature” we are able to reproduce on different machines.>>

I experienced many different problems with LOV’s when PCs utilized different video drivers and were using different resolutions. To solve, we had all of our users set their PC’s to a distinct set of drivers, and set everyone to 800x600.

Hope this Helps.

Amy Gutmann

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)