BO - button MANAGE SORTS is not active

Hello, All.

I have one strange problem. The button ‘Manage Sorts’ in BusinessObject -> QueryPanel is not active.

Everything is OK. Button is active/enabled(when I use universes from BO tutorial(eFachion, leasedCars etc.)) But when I use my own universes, button is disabled. Why?

Any ideas?

Aleksejs Jevsejenko

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)


I need help. I use BO 5.0, Informix Dynamic Server 7,3 as repository DB and Sybase IQ as Data Source.

and(see below):

>I have one strange problem. The button 'Manage Sorts' in BusinessObject -> QueryPanel is not active.

Does anyone saw the same problem?
If you use the same enviroment and this button work, then please write me!

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

In a message dated Tue, 18 Jan 2000 9:27:26 AM Eastern Standard Time, Aleksejs Jevsejenko aleksejs.jevsejenko@DATI.LV writes:


I need help. I use BO 5.0, Informix Dynamic Server 7,3 as repository DB and Sybase IQ as Data Source.

and(see below):

>I have one strange problem. The button 'Manage Sorts' in BusinessObject -> QueryPanel is not active.

Does anyone saw the same problem?
If you use the same enviroment and this button work, then please write me!

Some databases - DB2 and Informix come to mind - do not allow you to sort by any objects that are not in the select clause of a query. (Caveat: I have not worked with the most recent versions of DB2 or Informix, so this may not be true for them.) Other databases such as Oracle do not have this restriction.

For this reason, the Manage Sorts button is disabled in the query panel. That feature allows you to create a sort on ANY object from the universe, not just an object from the query. Since that would generate invalid SQL for some databases, it is disabled.

You can, of course, provide sorts on individual objects. Simply click on the desired object and click on the regular sort button on the query panel. In this way BusObj ensures that only objects from the result set are candidates for sorts.

Dave Rathbun
Integra Solutions

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)