BusinessObjects Board

BO 6.1.1 Slice and Dice Panel

I just had Business Obj 6.1.1 installed and now can not use my Slice and Dice panel. The panel is completely greyed out no matter what I do but all other icons on that toolbar work fine. Any suggestions on how to get it back? Thanks!

Pattipts (BOB member since 2004-02-25)

Slice and Dice was a different product key originally… It is possible that your new key for 6.1.1 does not include the module. (I believe it was listed as the Analyzer module, while the Drilling was the Explorer module).

digpen :us: (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

Same problem here. It works if you install full client but not if you install Zabo. We’re looking into Rob’s suggestion about the license file.

Cindy Clayton :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-11)

Here’s what I discovered. I finally got my views created to support the button permissions report which I really at some point need to find the time to put in Bob’s Downloads . Anyway, my traffic light permissions report showed that even though the button said ‘Enabled’ the permission was actually ‘Disabled’ for my power users group. I changed that permission to ‘Inherit’ and the traffic light in Supervisor for slice and dice changed to disabled. Dunno why. I’m pretty certain that there was nothing up the tree disabling it. In fact, when I then changed it back to Enabled, the traffic light was green, the permission was enabled on my report, and it works now.

Chalk it up to an upgrade issue 'cause it worked fine in V5 and trust me that my permissions stuff is pretty organized and predictable. All my users are in only one config group that has the buttons set so that conflicting permissions have been eliminated. More info on that here. HTH!

Cindy Clayton :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-11)