We are in a BO Designer class creating our Universe.
A few of my collegues and myself are using Designer 5.0 to create @PROMPTs. Everybody seems to be having a problem with this particular feature.
When specifying the list of values (lov) using a pointer to a lov in the parameters (and not hard-coding), Business Objects seems to be having a problem displaying the list. For example, putting ‘Client\Country’ in the parameter would produce a list of the countries where the clients reside. We would expect this, but after having attempted the excercise in the workshop the majority of students only get a list containing the first element (i.e., country) out of a list of 12 countries. Could this be a possible bug in the software, or could it be that we’re doing something wrong. The latter doesn’t seem to be the problem since the majority of us are experiencing this problem. Could you please investigate into this problem and get back to us with a solution. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!?
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