BO 4.1.X with Teradata V2R3


Dear all, we are planning to upgrade our Teradata DBMS from V2R2 to V2R3. Unfortunately I just can found that BO supports V2R3 with BO 5.0 or WebI 2.5. Do anyone of you have experiences using BO 4.1.X and WebI 2.0 with the new Teradata release?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Axel Pueschl
3M Germany, IT Europe

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

We too are going to v2r3 in february - if nothing else, maybe we will have some info to provide.


Dear all, we are planning to upgrade our Teradata DBMS from V2R2 to V2R3.
Unfortunately I just can found that BO supports V2R3 with BO 5.0 or WebI
2.5. Do anyone of you have experiences using BO 4.1.X and WebI 2.0 with
the new Teradata release?

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)