BCA repeated jobs

I have a BCA job (report) refreshed for several recipients.
It runs at various times in the day (usually overnight) whilst network traffic is low, data warehouse is quiet. Takes about 2 minutes to refresh the report.

For no appraent reason (settings don’t change) the job runs twice; each time (apparently) successfully

Settings are
BCA Manager
Scan repository delay: 600s (10m)
Update repository delay: 30s
Max duration: 540s (9m)
Delay between retry 14400s (4h)
Max retry jobs: 0
Waiting time before bind: 30s

Has anyone else experienced this?

JonK :uk: (BOB member since 2004-07-07)

Have a look at this post

And also search for BCA run twice, there are a few postings on solutions


Rich :uk: (BOB member since 2002-10-04)

cheers, I’m glad alot of other people have had the same problem…still not found a fix yet though

JonK :uk: (BOB member since 2004-07-07)

If you’ve tried the suggestions, have you also tried giving it a kick…opps sorry I mean restarting the BCA Server

Rich :uk: (BOB member since 2002-10-04)

yep a re-BOOT!! with size 12s of Broadcast Agent processes on each cluster node (I have 4) or a complete restart of machines seems to have no effect. The problem occurs intermittently more noticeable when there is a heavy load on the cluster machines and/or database, but has repeated at quiet times.

JonK :uk: (BOB member since 2004-07-07)

Have you tried a scan and repair on the repository to give it a tidy up ? If not try that.

Also is there any common features of reports that do run twice ? e.g are the long runners etc

Rich :uk: (BOB member since 2002-10-04)

Yes, I have always advised our BO administrator to run Scan and Repair regularly, usually after changes are made in Supervisor.

The reports contain several data providers and yes can be long runners (by long I mean up to 10 minutes, but usually refreshed in a matter of seconds).

The DBA and myself have tuned the queries.

Thanks for the suggestion though…I have synchronised the clocks on all 4 cluster machines and the data warehouse…they were a few minutes out. One post suggested synchronising these…so still monitoring but not yet confidant that the problem is fixed.

Any more suggestions then let me know.

JonK :uk: (BOB member since 2004-07-07)

Another thing you might want to check. However this is only appropriate in a clustered environment with multiple managers running…

Check the date/time on all servers in the cluster to confirm they are identical…

dirmiger :us: (BOB member since 2002-08-28)

cheers for that Don. I did synchronise, but last night I still got a repeated job.

I’m currently trawling through BO Manager logs for the difference between reports that run once and reports that repeat.

JonK :uk: (BOB member since 2004-07-07)

Is there any way you might have two BO Managers running on your cluster?

dirmiger :us: (BOB member since 2002-08-28)


I have 4 machines in the cluster.
2 running WebI queries (external customer reports over the Web);
2 running Broadcast Agent (internal reports)

1 is the cluster manager & there are 3 cluster nodes.

Cluster Manager (WebI): BOManager
Node1 (WebI): BOManager & WIGenerator
Node2 (BCA): BOManager % Broadcast Agent Manager
Node3 (BCA): BOManager

Is this the correct setup for my company needs?

JonK :uk: (BOB member since 2004-07-07)

Try moving your Broadcast Agent Manger to the cluster manager and off Node2. Set the BOManager settings on the CM to minimal so that it doesn’t get bogged down processing BCA work. See if that helps.

Is there a reason you aren’t at 5.1.8? I’ve heard evil things about 5.1.7…

dirmiger :us: (BOB member since 2002-08-28)

The following might be worth consideration:

Build two clusters: one for WebI and the other for BCA. We’ve gone this route and it seems to work well for us.

I invite debate over this conclusion…

dirmiger :us: (BOB member since 2002-08-28)

Hello again Don…

After trawling through BO Manager logs I spotted a call to Flush Login Cache that took a good 6 minutes to execute after each document was refreshed in BCA. This meant that whilst one machine was waiting to flush the cache (and possibly update the repository?) the other one started the repeated job off…

…does any of this sound familiar, or am I p***ing in the wind as we English say ? :slight_smile:

JonK :uk: (BOB member since 2004-07-07)

There is one unholy BCA bug whereby the BCA recycles and err, well then stops. Not good…supposed to be fixed in 5.1.9.

How about trying the default 10 and 5 minute scan and update parameters, just to see if it makes a difference. I like what you found in the BO Manager Log…can you try tracing the sql to see if there is repos activity at this point in time which is indicative of what you suggest?

Nick Daniels :uk: (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

You won’t like this but here is my BO Manager log file… :slight_smile:

You might want to stick this in a text editor first…

notice the repeat at 16:09 and 16:13…

07/13/04 16:04:56:0515 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::ReleaseSession
07/13/04 16:06:33:0234 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,06a4] : TRACE : >…(background thread waking up) 07/13/04 16:06:33:0234, currently managing 5 processes [max=30], 0 DocContexts
07/13/04 16:08:33:0234 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,06a4] : TRACE : >…(background thread waking up) 07/13/04 16:08:33:0234, currently managing 5 processes [max=30], 0 DocContexts
07/13/04 16:09:19:0250 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::GetIdentifier
07/13/04 16:09:19:0250 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::GetIdentifier
07/13/04 16:09:19:0250 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:09:19:0250 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Returning BOManager status: OK
07/13/04 16:09:19:0250 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:09:19:0250 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::GetManagerPlatform
07/13/04 16:09:19:0250 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : Returning BOManager Platform = Windows
07/13/04 16:09:19:0250 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::GetManagerPlatform
07/13/04 16:09:19:0250 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::GetIdentifier
07/13/04 16:09:19:0250 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::GetIdentifier

----1st run of BCA job starts:16:09:19 finishes: 16:10:17 >>>>

07/13/04 16:09:19:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::CreateSession [ id=‘BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33652_202546_226’, user=‘BHX Airport Group_pm’, repo=‘BOMain’ ]
07/13/04 16:09:19:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : Created session directory ‘D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Temp\BOMgr\bcs\BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33652_202546_226’ for session ‘bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33652_202546_226’
07/13/04 16:09:19:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : Wrote key file ‘BOMain’ length=324 into file ‘D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Temp\BOMgr\bcs\BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33652_202546_226\BOMain.key’
07/13/04 16:09:19:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : New Session created [ SessionId=‘bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33652_202546_226’, UserName=‘BHX Airport Group_pm’ ]
07/13/04 16:09:19:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : Create session: Cannot copy sdac file07/13/04 16:09:19:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::CreateSession
07/13/04 16:09:19:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::CreateDocContext [ id=‘BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33652_202546_226’, doc name=‘BCA_Weekly’ ]
07/13/04 16:09:19:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Attempting to create new DocContext… [ SessionId=‘bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33652_202546_226’, DocId=‘BCA_Weekly’ ]
07/13/04 16:09:19:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Created document directory ‘D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Temp\BOMgr\bcs\BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33652_202546_226\BCA_Weekly’ for dc#183
07/13/04 16:09:19:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : New DocContext created [ Session=bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33652_202546_226, DocId=BCA_Weekly, dc#=183, User=‘BHX Airport Group_pm’ ]
07/13/04 16:09:19:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : LOG : Currently managing 1 DocContexts in session ‘bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33652_202546_226’
07/13/04 16:09:19:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::CreateDocContext
07/13/04 16:09:19:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::OpenDocumentFromCache [ client=‘bcs’, id=‘BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33652_202546_226’, docid=‘BCA_Weekly’ ]
07/13/04 16:09:19:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : Session found [ SessionId=‘bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33652_202546_226’, User=‘BHX Airport Group_pm’ ]
07/13/04 16:09:19:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : DocContext found [ dc#=183, proc#=, PID=0, docid=‘BCA_Weekly’, actual doc=’’ ]
07/13/04 16:09:19:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : -> Entering GetBOProcess…
07/13/04 16:09:19:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : pTryProc->IsBusy(4) in GetBoProcess
07/13/04 16:09:19:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : GetBOProcess selects process [ proc#=5, PID=1800 ]
07/13/04 16:09:19:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : <- GetBOProcess returns [ proc#=5, PID=1800 ]
07/13/04 16:09:19:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : Login cache entry NOT FOUND for session [ SessionId=‘bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33652_202546_226’, User=‘BHX Airport Group_pm’ ]
07/13/04 16:09:19:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : Setting LocData & UserDocs directories to ‘D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Temp\BOMgr\bcs\BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33652_202546_226’ for proc#=5
07/13/04 16:09:19:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : ->Start: Login as user=‘BHX Airport Group_pm’ in proc#=5 (mode=online)
07/13/04 16:09:19:0593 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TIMER : @ LoginAs executed in 0.325 seconds (hi-res)
07/13/04 16:09:19:0593 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : <-End: Login as user=‘BHX Airport Group_pm’ in proc#=5 (mode=online)
07/13/04 16:09:19:0593 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : Login cache entry stored for session [ SessionId=‘bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33652_202546_226’, User=‘BHX Airport Group_pm’ ]
07/13/04 16:09:19:0593 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : DocContext attached to process [ dc#=183, proc#=5, PID=1800, docid=‘BCA_Weekly’, actual doc=’’ ]
07/13/04 16:09:19:0593 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : ->Start: Import document from cache ‘D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Temp\BOMgr\bcs\BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33648_199432_225\BCA_Weekly\199432\Weekly Summary (BHX).rep’ (batchid = 199432) in dc#183
07/13/04 16:09:19:0609 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : ->Start: Import document in cache ‘Weekly Summary (BHX)’ in dc#183
07/13/04 16:09:19:0984 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TIMER : @ ReceiveFromDAS executed in 0.377 seconds (hi-res)
07/13/04 16:09:19:0984 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : <-End: Import document in cache ‘Weekly Summary (BHX)’ in dc#183
07/13/04 16:09:19:0984 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : <-End: Import document from cache ‘D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Temp\BOMgr\bcs\BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33648_199432_225\BCA_Weekly\199432\Weekly Summary (BHX).rep’ (batchid = 199432) in dc#183
07/13/04 16:09:19:0984 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : ->Start: Open document ‘Weekly Summary (BHX)’ in dc#183
07/13/04 16:09:19:0984 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : DocContext #183 opening document ‘D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Temp\BOMgr\bcs\BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33652_202546_226\BCA_Weekly\Weekly Summary (BHX).rep’ in process #5
07/13/04 16:09:20:0000 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : Process #5 loading document ‘D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Temp\BOMgr\bcs\BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33652_202546_226\BCA_Weekly\Weekly Summary (BHX).rep’
07/13/04 16:09:26:0500 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TIMER : @ OpenDocument executed in 6.513 seconds (hi-res)
07/13/04 16:09:26:0500 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : <-End: Open document ‘Weekly Summary (BHX)’ in dc#183
07/13/04 16:09:26:0500 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::OpenDocumentFromCache
07/13/04 16:09:26:0500 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::ExecuteMacro [ client=‘bcs’, id=‘BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33652_202546_226’, docid=‘BCA_Weekly’ ]
07/13/04 16:09:26:0500 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : Session found [ SessionId=‘bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33652_202546_226’, User=‘BHX Airport Group_pm’ ]
07/13/04 16:09:26:0500 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : DocContext found [ dc#=183, proc#=5, PID=1800, docid=‘BCA_Weekly’, actual doc=‘Weekly Summary (BHX)’ ]
07/13/04 16:09:26:0500 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : -> Entering GetBOProcess…
07/13/04 16:09:26:0500 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : GetBOProcess gets process from DocContext [ dc#=183, proc#=5, PID=1800 ]
07/13/04 16:09:26:0515 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : <- GetBOProcess returns [ proc#=5, PID=1800 ]
07/13/04 16:09:26:0515 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : DocContext attached to process [ dc#=183, proc#=5, PID=1800, docid=‘BCA_Weekly’, actual doc=‘Weekly Summary (BHX)’ ]
07/13/04 16:09:26:0515 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : ->Start: Execute macro ‘BcsModule.BcsMacro’ in dc#183
07/13/04 16:10:16:0078 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TIMER : @ ExecuteMacro executed in 49.561 seconds (hi-res)
07/13/04 16:10:16:0078 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : <-End: Execute macro ‘BcsModule.BcsMacro’ in dc#183
07/13/04 16:10:16:0078 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::ExecuteMacro
07/13/04 16:10:16:0078 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::SendDocumentToUser [ client=‘bcs’, id=‘BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33652_202546_226’, docid=‘BCA_Weekly’ ]
07/13/04 16:10:16:0078 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : Session found [ SessionId=‘bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33652_202546_226’, User=‘BHX Airport Group_pm’ ]
07/13/04 16:10:16:0078 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : DocContext found [ dc#=183, proc#=5, PID=1800, docid=‘BCA_Weekly’, actual doc=‘Weekly Summary (BHX)’ ]
07/13/04 16:10:16:0078 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : -> Entering GetBOProcess…
07/13/04 16:10:16:0078 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : GetBOProcess gets process from DocContext [ dc#=183, proc#=5, PID=1800 ]
07/13/04 16:10:16:0078 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : <- GetBOProcess returns [ proc#=5, PID=1800 ]
07/13/04 16:10:16:0093 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : DocContext attached to process [ dc#=183, proc#=5, PID=1800, docid=‘BCA_Weekly’, actual doc=‘Weekly Summary (BHX)’ ]
07/13/04 16:10:16:0093 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : ->Start: Send document ‘Weekly Summary (BHX)’ to single user ‘BHX Airport Group_pm’ in dc#183
07/13/04 16:10:16:0812 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TIMER : @ SendToDAS executed in 0.732 seconds (hi-res)
07/13/04 16:10:16:0859 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : <-End: Send document ‘Weekly Summary (BHX)’ to single user ‘BHX Airport Group_pm’ in dc#183
07/13/04 16:10:16:0859 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::SendDocumentToUser
07/13/04 16:10:16:0859 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::ReleaseDocContext [ id=‘BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33652_202546_226’ ]
07/13/04 16:10:16:0859 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : DocContext #183 disconnecting from process #5
07/13/04 16:10:17:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : Freeing BusObj server process [ proc#=5, PID=1800 ]
07/13/04 16:10:17:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : LOG : DocContext file deleted [ dc#=183, docid=‘BCA_Weekly’, doc name=‘Weekly Summary (BHX)’, path name=‘D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Temp\BOMgr\bcs\BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33652_202546_226\BCA_Weekly\Weekly Summary (BHX).rep’ ]
07/13/04 16:10:17:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : LOG : DocContext destroyed [ dc#=183, docid=‘BCA_Weekly’ ]
07/13/04 16:10:17:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::ReleaseDocContext
07/13/04 16:10:17:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::ReleaseSession [ id=‘BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33652_202546_226’ ]
07/13/04 16:10:17:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Releasing session ‘bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33652_202546_226’
07/13/04 16:10:17:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Session deleted ‘bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33652_202546_226’
07/13/04 16:10:17:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::ReleaseSession


07/13/04 16:10:33:0234 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,06a4] : TRACE : >…(background thread waking up) 07/13/04 16:10:33:0234, currently managing 5 processes [max=30], 0 DocContexts
07/13/04 16:10:33:0453 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:10:33:0453 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Returning BOManager status: Not interactive
07/13/04 16:10:33:0453 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:10:33:0453 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:10:33:0453 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Returning BOManager status: Not interactive
07/13/04 16:10:33:0453 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:10:33:0453 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:10:33:0453 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Returning BOManager status: Not interactive
07/13/04 16:10:33:0468 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:10:33:0468 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:10:33:0468 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Returning BOManager status: Not interactive
07/13/04 16:10:33:0468 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:10:33:0468 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:10:33:0468 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Returning BOManager status: Not interactive
07/13/04 16:10:33:0468 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:10:33:0468 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:10:33:0468 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Returning BOManager status: Not interactive
07/13/04 16:10:33:0468 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:10:33:0671 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:10:33:0671 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Returning BOManager status: Not interactive
07/13/04 16:10:33:0671 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:10:33:0671 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:10:33:0671 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Returning BOManager status: Not interactive
07/13/04 16:10:33:0671 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:11:02:0656 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:11:02:0656 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Returning BOManager status: Not interactive
07/13/04 16:11:02:0656 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:11:02:0656 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:11:02:0656 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Returning BOManager status: Not interactive
07/13/04 16:11:02:0656 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:11:02:0656 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:11:02:0656 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Returning BOManager status: Not interactive
07/13/04 16:11:02:0656 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:11:02:0656 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:11:02:0656 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Returning BOManager status: Not interactive
07/13/04 16:11:02:0656 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:11:02:0671 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:11:02:0671 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Returning BOManager status: Not interactive
07/13/04 16:11:02:0671 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:11:02:0671 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:11:02:0671 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Returning BOManager status: Not interactive
07/13/04 16:11:02:0671 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:11:02:0875 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:11:02:0875 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Returning BOManager status: Not interactive
07/13/04 16:11:02:0875 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:11:02:0875 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:11:02:0875 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Returning BOManager status: Not interactive
07/13/04 16:11:02:0875 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:11:30:0875 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : ->Start: FlushCache ‘BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33012_202477_224’
07/13/04 16:11:30:0875 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <-End: FlushCache ‘BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33012_202477_224’
07/13/04 16:11:30:0875 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::FlushCache
07/13/04 16:11:33:0937 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:11:33:0937 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Returning BOManager status: Not interactive
07/13/04 16:11:33:0937 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:11:33:0937 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:11:33:0937 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Returning BOManager status: Not interactive
07/13/04 16:11:33:0937 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:11:33:0937 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:11:33:0937 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Returning BOManager status: Not interactive
07/13/04 16:11:33:0937 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:11:33:0937 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:11:33:0937 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Returning BOManager status: Not interactive
07/13/04 16:11:33:0937 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:11:33:0953 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:11:33:0953 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Returning BOManager status: Not interactive
07/13/04 16:11:33:0953 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:11:33:0953 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:11:33:0953 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Returning BOManager status: Not interactive
07/13/04 16:11:33:0953 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:11:34:0156 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:11:34:0156 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Returning BOManager status: Not interactive
07/13/04 16:11:34:0156 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:11:34:0156 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:11:34:0156 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Returning BOManager status: Not interactive
07/13/04 16:11:34:0156 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from WI::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:12:33:0234 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,06a4] : TRACE : >…(background thread waking up) 07/13/04 16:12:33:0234, currently managing 5 processes [max=30], 0 DocContexts
07/13/04 16:13:34:0781 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::GetIdentifier
07/13/04 16:13:34:0781 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::GetIdentifier
07/13/04 16:13:34:0781 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:13:34:0781 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : Returning BOManager status: OK
07/13/04 16:13:34:0781 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:13:34:0781 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::GetManagerPlatform
07/13/04 16:13:34:0781 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Returning BOManager Platform = Windows
07/13/04 16:13:34:0781 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::GetManagerPlatform
07/13/04 16:13:34:0781 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::GetIdentifier
07/13/04 16:13:34:0781 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::GetIdentifier

----BCA job repeated here !!! starts:16:13:34 finishes: 16:14:46 >>>>

07/13/04 16:13:34:0796 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::CreateSession [ id=‘BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33612_202550_237’, user=‘BHX Airport Group_pm’, repo=‘BOMain’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:34:0796 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Created session directory ‘D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Temp\BOMgr\bcs\BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33612_202550_237’ for session ‘bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33612_202550_237’
07/13/04 16:13:34:0796 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Wrote key file ‘BOMain’ length=324 into file ‘D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Temp\BOMgr\bcs\BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33612_202550_237\BOMain.key’
07/13/04 16:13:34:0796 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : New Session created [ SessionId=‘bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33612_202550_237’, UserName=‘BHX Airport Group_pm’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:34:0796 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Create session: Cannot copy sdac file07/13/04 16:13:34:0796 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::CreateSession
07/13/04 16:13:34:0796 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::CreateDocContext [ id=‘BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33612_202550_237’, doc name=‘BCA_Weekly’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:34:0796 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : Attempting to create new DocContext… [ SessionId=‘bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33612_202550_237’, DocId=‘BCA_Weekly’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:34:0796 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : Created document directory ‘D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Temp\BOMgr\bcs\BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33612_202550_237\BCA_Weekly’ for dc#184
07/13/04 16:13:34:0796 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : New DocContext created [ Session=bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33612_202550_237, DocId=BCA_Weekly, dc#=184, User=‘BHX Airport Group_pm’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:34:0796 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : LOG : Currently managing 1 DocContexts in session ‘bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33612_202550_237’
07/13/04 16:13:34:0796 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::CreateDocContext
07/13/04 16:13:34:0812 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::OpenDocumentFromCache [ client=‘bcs’, id=‘BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33612_202550_237’, docid=‘BCA_Weekly’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:34:0812 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Session found [ SessionId=‘bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33612_202550_237’, User=‘BHX Airport Group_pm’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:34:0812 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : DocContext found [ dc#=184, proc#=, PID=0, docid=‘BCA_Weekly’, actual doc=’’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:34:0812 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : -> Entering GetBOProcess…
07/13/04 16:13:34:0812 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : pTryProc->IsBusy(4) in GetBoProcess
07/13/04 16:13:34:0812 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : GetBOProcess selects process [ proc#=2, PID=1856 ]
07/13/04 16:13:34:0812 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- GetBOProcess returns [ proc#=2, PID=1856 ]
07/13/04 16:13:34:0812 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Login cache entry FOUND for session [ SessionId=‘bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33612_202550_237’, User=‘BHX Airport Group_pm’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:34:0812 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Setting LocData & UserDocs directories to ‘D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Temp\BOMgr\bcs\BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33612_202550_237’ for proc#=2
07/13/04 16:13:34:0812 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : ->Start: Login as user=‘BHX Airport Group_pm’ in proc#=2 (mode=optimized)
07/13/04 16:13:34:0968 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TIMER : @ LoginAs executed in 0.148 seconds (hi-res)
07/13/04 16:13:34:0968 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <-End: Login as user=‘BHX Airport Group_pm’ in proc#=2 (mode=optimized)
07/13/04 16:13:34:0968 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : DocContext attached to process [ dc#=184, proc#=2, PID=1856, docid=‘BCA_Weekly’, actual doc=’’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:34:0968 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : ->Start: Import document from cache ‘D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Temp\BOMgr\bcs\BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33668_202545_230\BCA_Weekly\202545\Weekly Summary (BHX).rep’ (batchid = 202545) in dc#184
07/13/04 16:13:34:0968 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : ->Start: Import document in cache ‘Weekly Summary (BHX)’ in dc#184
07/13/04 16:13:35:0296 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TIMER : @ ReceiveFromDAS executed in 0.327 seconds (hi-res)
07/13/04 16:13:35:0296 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <-End: Import document in cache ‘Weekly Summary (BHX)’ in dc#184
07/13/04 16:13:35:0312 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <-End: Import document from cache ‘D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Temp\BOMgr\bcs\BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33668_202545_230\BCA_Weekly\202545\Weekly Summary (BHX).rep’ (batchid = 202545) in dc#184
07/13/04 16:13:35:0312 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : ->Start: Open document ‘Weekly Summary (BHX)’ in dc#184
07/13/04 16:13:35:0312 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : DocContext #184 opening document ‘D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Temp\BOMgr\bcs\BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33612_202550_237\BCA_Weekly\Weekly Summary (BHX).rep’ in process #2
07/13/04 16:13:35:0312 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Process #2 loading document ‘D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Temp\BOMgr\bcs\BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33612_202550_237\BCA_Weekly\Weekly Summary (BHX).rep’
07/13/04 16:13:41:0468 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TIMER : @ OpenDocument executed in 6.154 seconds (hi-res)
07/13/04 16:13:41:0468 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <-End: Open document ‘Weekly Summary (BHX)’ in dc#184
07/13/04 16:13:41:0468 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::OpenDocumentFromCache
07/13/04 16:13:41:0468 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::ExecuteMacro [ client=‘bcs’, id=‘BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33612_202550_237’, docid=‘BCA_Weekly’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:41:0468 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Session found [ SessionId=‘bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33612_202550_237’, User=‘BHX Airport Group_pm’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:41:0468 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : DocContext found [ dc#=184, proc#=2, PID=1856, docid=‘BCA_Weekly’, actual doc=‘Weekly Summary (BHX)’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:41:0468 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : -> Entering GetBOProcess…
07/13/04 16:13:41:0468 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : GetBOProcess gets process from DocContext [ dc#=184, proc#=2, PID=1856 ]
07/13/04 16:13:41:0468 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- GetBOProcess returns [ proc#=2, PID=1856 ]
07/13/04 16:13:41:0468 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : DocContext attached to process [ dc#=184, proc#=2, PID=1856, docid=‘BCA_Weekly’, actual doc=‘Weekly Summary (BHX)’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:41:0468 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : ->Start: Execute macro ‘BcsModule.BcsMacro’ in dc#184
07/13/04 16:13:54:0234 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::GetIdentifier
07/13/04 16:13:54:0234 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::GetIdentifier
07/13/04 16:13:54:0234 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:13:54:0234 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : Returning BOManager status: OK
07/13/04 16:13:54:0234 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:13:54:0234 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::GetManagerPlatform
07/13/04 16:13:54:0234 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : Returning BOManager Platform = Windows
07/13/04 16:13:54:0234 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::GetManagerPlatform
07/13/04 16:13:54:0234 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::GetIdentifier
07/13/04 16:13:54:0250 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::GetIdentifier
07/13/04 16:13:54:0250 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::CreateSession [ id=‘BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33596_202560_241’, user=‘The Mall Bristol_cm’, repo=‘BOMain’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:54:0250 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : Created session directory ‘D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Temp\BOMgr\bcs\BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33596_202560_241’ for session ‘bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33596_202560_241’
07/13/04 16:13:54:0250 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : Wrote key file ‘BOMain’ length=324 into file ‘D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Temp\BOMgr\bcs\BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33596_202560_241\BOMain.key’
07/13/04 16:13:54:0250 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : New Session created [ SessionId=‘bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33596_202560_241’, UserName=‘The Mall Bristol_cm’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:54:0250 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : Create session: Cannot copy sdac file07/13/04 16:13:54:0250 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::CreateSession
07/13/04 16:13:54:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::CreateDocContext [ id=‘BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33596_202560_241’, doc name=‘BCA_Weekly’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:54:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : Attempting to create new DocContext… [ SessionId=‘bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33596_202560_241’, DocId=‘BCA_Weekly’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:54:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : Created document directory ‘D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Temp\BOMgr\bcs\BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33596_202560_241\BCA_Weekly’ for dc#185
07/13/04 16:13:54:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : New DocContext created [ Session=bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33596_202560_241, DocId=BCA_Weekly, dc#=185, User=‘The Mall Bristol_cm’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:54:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : LOG : Currently managing 1 DocContexts in session ‘bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33596_202560_241’
07/13/04 16:13:54:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::CreateDocContext
07/13/04 16:13:54:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::OpenDocumentFromCache [ client=‘bcs’, id=‘BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33596_202560_241’, docid=‘BCA_Weekly’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:54:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : Session found [ SessionId=‘bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33596_202560_241’, User=‘The Mall Bristol_cm’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:54:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : DocContext found [ dc#=185, proc#=, PID=0, docid=‘BCA_Weekly’, actual doc=’’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:54:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : -> Entering GetBOProcess…
07/13/04 16:13:54:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : pTryProc->IsBusy(4) in GetBoProcess
07/13/04 16:13:54:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : GetBOProcess selects process [ proc#=1, PID=1772 ]
07/13/04 16:13:54:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : <- GetBOProcess returns [ proc#=1, PID=1772 ]
07/13/04 16:13:54:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : Login cache entry FOUND for session [ SessionId=‘bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33596_202560_241’, User=‘The Mall Bristol_cm’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:54:0265 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : Setting LocData & UserDocs directories to ‘D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Temp\BOMgr\bcs\BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33596_202560_241’ for proc#=1
07/13/04 16:13:54:0281 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : ->Start: Login as user=‘The Mall Bristol_cm’ in proc#=1 (mode=optimized)
07/13/04 16:13:54:0484 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TIMER : @ LoginAs executed in 0.212 seconds (hi-res)
07/13/04 16:13:54:0484 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : <-End: Login as user=‘The Mall Bristol_cm’ in proc#=1 (mode=optimized)
07/13/04 16:13:54:0484 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : DocContext attached to process [ dc#=185, proc#=1, PID=1772, docid=‘BCA_Weekly’, actual doc=’’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:54:0484 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : ->Start: Import document from cache ‘D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Temp\BOMgr\bcs\BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33500_202548_234\BCA_Weekly\202548\Weekly Summary (The Mall Corporation).rep’ (batchid = 202548) in dc#185
07/13/04 16:13:54:0484 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : ->Start: Import document in cache ‘Weekly Summary (The Mall Corporation)’ in dc#185
07/13/04 16:13:54:0843 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TIMER : @ ReceiveFromDAS executed in 0.346 seconds (hi-res)
07/13/04 16:13:54:0843 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : <-End: Import document in cache ‘Weekly Summary (The Mall Corporation)’ in dc#185
07/13/04 16:13:54:0843 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : <-End: Import document from cache ‘D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Temp\BOMgr\bcs\BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33500_202548_234\BCA_Weekly\202548\Weekly Summary (The Mall Corporation).rep’ (batchid = 202548) in dc#185
07/13/04 16:13:54:0843 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : ->Start: Open document ‘Weekly Summary (The Mall Corporation)’ in dc#185
07/13/04 16:13:54:0859 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : DocContext #185 opening document ‘D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Temp\BOMgr\bcs\BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33596_202560_241\BCA_Weekly\Weekly Summary (The Mall Corporation).rep’ in process #1
07/13/04 16:13:54:0859 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : Process #1 loading document ‘D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Temp\BOMgr\bcs\BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33596_202560_241\BCA_Weekly\Weekly Summary (The Mall Corporation).rep’
07/13/04 16:13:55:0484 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::GetIdentifier
07/13/04 16:13:55:0484 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::GetIdentifier
07/13/04 16:13:55:0484 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:13:55:0484 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : Returning BOManager status: OK
07/13/04 16:13:55:0484 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::GetManagerStatus
07/13/04 16:13:55:0484 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::GetManagerPlatform
07/13/04 16:13:55:0484 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : Returning BOManager Platform = Windows
07/13/04 16:13:55:0484 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::GetManagerPlatform
07/13/04 16:13:55:0515 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::GetIdentifier
07/13/04 16:13:55:0515 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::GetIdentifier
07/13/04 16:13:55:0515 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::CreateSession [ id=‘BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33672_202561_242’, user=‘The Mall Aberdeen_cm’, repo=‘BOMain’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:55:0515 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : Created session directory ‘D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Temp\BOMgr\bcs\BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33672_202561_242’ for session ‘bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33672_202561_242’
07/13/04 16:13:55:0515 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : Wrote key file ‘BOMain’ length=324 into file ‘D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Temp\BOMgr\bcs\BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33672_202561_242\BOMain.key’
07/13/04 16:13:55:0515 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : New Session created [ SessionId=‘bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33672_202561_242’, UserName=‘The Mall Aberdeen_cm’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:55:0515 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : Create session: Cannot copy sdac file07/13/04 16:13:55:0515 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::CreateSession
07/13/04 16:13:55:0515 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::CreateDocContext [ id=‘BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33672_202561_242’, doc name=‘BCA_Weekly’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:55:0515 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : Attempting to create new DocContext… [ SessionId=‘bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33672_202561_242’, DocId=‘BCA_Weekly’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:55:0515 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : Created document directory ‘D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Temp\BOMgr\bcs\BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33672_202561_242\BCA_Weekly’ for dc#186
07/13/04 16:13:55:0515 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : New DocContext created [ Session=bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33672_202561_242, DocId=BCA_Weekly, dc#=186, User=‘The Mall Aberdeen_cm’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:55:0515 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : LOG : Currently managing 1 DocContexts in session ‘bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33672_202561_242’
07/13/04 16:13:55:0515 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0470] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::CreateDocContext
07/13/04 16:13:55:0546 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::OpenDocumentFromCache [ client=‘bcs’, id=‘BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33672_202561_242’, docid=‘BCA_Weekly’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:55:0546 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : Session found [ SessionId=‘bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33672_202561_242’, User=‘The Mall Aberdeen_cm’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:55:0546 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : DocContext found [ dc#=186, proc#=, PID=0, docid=‘BCA_Weekly’, actual doc=’’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:55:0546 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : -> Entering GetBOProcess…
07/13/04 16:13:55:0546 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : pTryProc->IsBusy(4) in GetBoProcess
07/13/04 16:13:55:0546 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : GetBOProcess selects process [ proc#=3, PID=1912 ]
07/13/04 16:13:55:0546 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : <- GetBOProcess returns [ proc#=3, PID=1912 ]
07/13/04 16:13:55:0546 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : Login cache entry FOUND for session [ SessionId=‘bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33672_202561_242’, User=‘The Mall Aberdeen_cm’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:55:0546 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : Setting LocData & UserDocs directories to ‘D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Temp\BOMgr\bcs\BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33672_202561_242’ for proc#=3
07/13/04 16:13:55:0546 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : ->Start: Login as user=‘The Mall Aberdeen_cm’ in proc#=3 (mode=optimized)
07/13/04 16:13:55:0859 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TIMER : @ LoginAs executed in 0.315 seconds (hi-res)
07/13/04 16:13:55:0859 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : <-End: Login as user=‘The Mall Aberdeen_cm’ in proc#=3 (mode=optimized)
07/13/04 16:13:55:0859 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : DocContext attached to process [ dc#=186, proc#=3, PID=1912, docid=‘BCA_Weekly’, actual doc=’’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:55:0875 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : ->Start: Import document from cache ‘D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Temp\BOMgr\bcs\BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33500_202548_234\BCA_Weekly\202548\Weekly Summary (The Mall Corporation).rep’ (batchid = 202548) in dc#186
07/13/04 16:13:55:0875 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : <-End: Import document from cache ‘D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Temp\BOMgr\bcs\BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33500_202548_234\BCA_Weekly\202548\Weekly Summary (The Mall Corporation).rep’ (batchid = 202548) in dc#186
07/13/04 16:13:55:0875 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : ->Start: Open document ‘Weekly Summary (The Mall Corporation)’ in dc#186
07/13/04 16:13:55:0875 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : DocContext #186 opening document ‘D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Temp\BOMgr\bcs\BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33672_202561_242\BCA_Weekly\Weekly Summary (The Mall Corporation).rep’ in process #3
07/13/04 16:13:55:0875 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : Process #3 loading document ‘D:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Temp\BOMgr\bcs\BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33672_202561_242\BCA_Weekly\Weekly Summary (The Mall Corporation).rep’
07/13/04 16:13:56:0140 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TIMER : @ OpenDocument executed in 1.286 seconds (hi-res)
07/13/04 16:13:56:0140 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : <-End: Open document ‘Weekly Summary (The Mall Corporation)’ in dc#185
07/13/04 16:13:56:0140 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::OpenDocumentFromCache
07/13/04 16:13:56:0140 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::ExecuteMacro [ client=‘bcs’, id=‘BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33596_202560_241’, docid=‘BCA_Weekly’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:56:0140 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : Session found [ SessionId=‘bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33596_202560_241’, User=‘The Mall Bristol_cm’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:56:0140 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : DocContext found [ dc#=185, proc#=1, PID=1772, docid=‘BCA_Weekly’, actual doc=‘Weekly Summary (The Mall Corporation)’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:56:0140 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : -> Entering GetBOProcess…
07/13/04 16:13:56:0140 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : GetBOProcess gets process from DocContext [ dc#=185, proc#=1, PID=1772 ]
07/13/04 16:13:56:0140 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : <- GetBOProcess returns [ proc#=1, PID=1772 ]
07/13/04 16:13:56:0140 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : DocContext attached to process [ dc#=185, proc#=1, PID=1772, docid=‘BCA_Weekly’, actual doc=‘Weekly Summary (The Mall Corporation)’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:56:0140 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0738] : TRACE : ->Start: Execute macro ‘BcsModule.BcsMacro’ in dc#185
07/13/04 16:13:57:0515 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TIMER : @ OpenDocument executed in 1.640 seconds (hi-res)
07/13/04 16:13:57:0515 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : <-End: Open document ‘Weekly Summary (The Mall Corporation)’ in dc#186
07/13/04 16:13:57:0515 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::OpenDocumentFromCache
07/13/04 16:13:57:0515 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::ExecuteMacro [ client=‘bcs’, id=‘BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33672_202561_242’, docid=‘BCA_Weekly’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:57:0515 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : Session found [ SessionId=‘bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33672_202561_242’, User=‘The Mall Aberdeen_cm’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:57:0515 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : DocContext found [ dc#=186, proc#=3, PID=1912, docid=‘BCA_Weekly’, actual doc=‘Weekly Summary (The Mall Corporation)’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:57:0515 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : -> Entering GetBOProcess…
07/13/04 16:13:57:0515 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : GetBOProcess gets process from DocContext [ dc#=186, proc#=3, PID=1912 ]
07/13/04 16:13:57:0515 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : <- GetBOProcess returns [ proc#=3, PID=1912 ]
07/13/04 16:13:57:0515 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : DocContext attached to process [ dc#=186, proc#=3, PID=1912, docid=‘BCA_Weekly’, actual doc=‘Weekly Summary (The Mall Corporation)’ ]
07/13/04 16:13:57:0515 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,055c] : TRACE : ->Start: Execute macro ‘BcsModule.BcsMacro’ in dc#186
07/13/04 16:14:31:0187 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TIMER : @ ExecuteMacro executed in 49.722 seconds (hi-res)
07/13/04 16:14:31:0203 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <-End: Execute macro ‘BcsModule.BcsMacro’ in dc#184
07/13/04 16:14:31:0203 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- Returning OK from BCS::ExecuteMacro
07/13/04 16:14:31:0203 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : *>> CORBA: BCS::SendDocumentToUser [ client=‘bcs’, id=‘BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33612_202550_237’, docid=‘BCA_Weekly’ ]
07/13/04 16:14:31:0203 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : Session found [ SessionId=‘bcs:BCA_2FF2003WCS_2124_33612_202550_237’, User=‘BHX Airport Group_pm’ ]
07/13/04 16:14:31:0203 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : DocContext found [ dc#=184, proc#=2, PID=1856, docid=‘BCA_Weekly’, actual doc=‘Weekly Summary (BHX)’ ]
07/13/04 16:14:31:0203 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : -> Entering GetBOProcess…
07/13/04 16:14:31:0203 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : GetBOProcess gets process from DocContext [ dc#=184, proc#=2, PID=1856 ]
07/13/04 16:14:31:0203 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : <- GetBOProcess returns [ proc#=2, PID=1856 ]
07/13/04 16:14:31:0203 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : DocContext attached to process [ dc#=184, proc#=2, PID=1856, docid=‘BCA_Weekly’, actual doc=‘Weekly Summary (BHX)’ ]
07/13/04 16:14:31:0203 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TRACE : ->Start: Send document ‘Weekly Summary (BHX)’ to single user ‘BHX Airport Group_pm’ in dc#184
07/13/04 16:14:31:0968 <BOMgr.exe > [001704,0790] : TIMER : @ SendToDAS executed in 0.764 second

JonK :uk: (BOB member since 2004-07-07)

Just wondering…the document that repeats in BCA – is it running a VBA macro? There are some VBA tips I’ve learned that help BCA “do the right thing”.

One other thing that we’ve discovered might be a problem: when you “retrieve from Corporate Documents” this report, do you notice a mysterious “bcsmodule” now attached to your document (viewable through the VBA editor)? If so, delete it and republish.

cre907 :us: (BOB member since 2003-07-15)

yep cre, they are full client documents with VBA macros. What are your tips please?

JonK :uk: (BOB member since 2004-07-07)

These may seem silly, but they do work – note that these tips ONLY apply to macros running through BCA:

[list]1) Do not use the following:

set myDoc = ActiveDocument
myDoc.something something
Instead, enclose your activities with the ActiveDocument within a 
With ActiveDocument
End With


  1. Do not use either of the following:
Application.Interactive = False
Application.Interactive = True
  1. Be sure your macro does not use Msgbox.

Like I said, these seem pretty silly, but try 'em if you’re still having trouble. We had a similar repeating problem and solved it simply by removing the “Application.Interactive…” lines.

cre907 :us: (BOB member since 2003-07-15)

We experienced just the opposite. Had reports erroring because this code was not present. Whenever we had a report refresh and return no data process would just hand waiting for user response.

cparsons :us: (BOB member since 2004-02-20)