BCA Console 5.5.7 Document Properties on Successful Job


Need to confirm something about the information provided for ‘Successful Jobs’ under the Document Properties tab in the BCA Console as none of the BO documentation is clear on it.

Basically on the DP name, Source Date and rows returned, is it supposed to show the details for the last time the report was refreshed ? or when it was exported to the repo ? regardless of whether the refreshed report was published to the repo or saved to dir.

Also if you have the same job refreshing daiyly and you look at the docs prop tabs for each of these successful jobs, say for the monday, tuesday, wednesday will the doc properties tab show the results for the last time it ran for the other days ? So if I looked at monday, tues, it would show results for Wednesday.

I think Im seeing wierd stuff, aslo its not only me its another instance of BCA server on a seperate repo where I work sees the same, both of us on version 5.5.7

Rich :uk: (BOB member since 2002-10-04)

I believe this only shows you results for the last time the report ran on that particular BCA.

cparsons :us: (BOB member since 2004-02-20)