I have hit two roadblocks while trying to create charts in BO. (Actually more but these are the biggest).
Problem One: Is there a way to create bar charts in BO? There are plenty of column charts, but I need to create a bar chart with the bar going across the page. I can pivot the data but I can’t seem to format the chart to go horizontal.
Problem Two: I have a stacked column chart with three variables. I have an ‘Achieved’ number, ‘Forecasted’ number, and an Amount Remaining to Goal. The amounts display on the chart and the Y axis is the scale to 100%.
My problem is that the Amount Remaining to Goal displays as a negative number when the Goal has been surpassed. This is not an effective nor desirable way to display the data so the users have requested a chart that goes to 200%. I have not been able to figure out how to get the chart to go to 200%. I want the number to keep displaying as a positive (amount exceeding goal) but I also want it to calculate the percentage of goal. Any ideas…
Michele Robertson
Southern California Edison
Phone: 909-394-8573
Michele Robertson
Second Floor San Dimas
Pax 47573
Problem One: Is there a way to create bar charts in BO? There are plenty of column charts, but I need to create a bar chart with the bar going across the page. …
Problem Two: I have a stacked column chart with three variables. I have an ‘Achieved’ number, ‘Forecasted’ number, and an Amount Remaining to Goal.
My problem is that the Amount Remaining to Goal displays as a negative number when the Goal has been surpassed. This is not an effective nor desirable way to display the data so the users have requested a chart that goes to 200%. I have not been able to figure out how to get the chart to go to 200%. I want the number to keep displaying as a positive (amount exceeding goal) but I also want it to calculate the percentage of goal.
As for your first problem, I’m afraid your currently out of luck. The Business Objects client software does not do charts of this variety. In terms of your second problem, however, you should be easily able to create a formula to get the number you are looking for in “Amount Remaining to Goal”. However, I’m not 100% clear as to what number you want. I’ll assume that if the goal has been achieved, you want to display the total amount achieved. This can be accomplished easily by creating a variable with an formula containing an if clause such as:
= If ( < ) Then (-) Else ()
For a percentage variation, where you get percent to goal if it’s below and 100%+the percent above goal if its above, you could use the following:
= If ( < ) Then (1-(/)) Else (/Goal)
Since your description wasn’t explicitly specific, these may not be the exact numbers you are looking for. But using some variation of an if clause as above, you should be able to arrive at your desired results.
Problem One: Is there a way to create bar charts in BO?
As far as I know this was logged a long time ago as an enhancement request and should be in the next release (can’t confirm that though).
Project Leader
Global Medical, Regulatory and Product Strategy (GMRPS) IS
Problem One: Is there a way to create bar charts in BO?
As far as I know this was logged a long time ago as an enhancement request and should be in the next release (can’t confirm that though).
DI Walter Muellner
Delphi Software GmbH, Vivenotgasse 48, A-1120 Vienna / Austria Tel: +43-1-8151456-12, Fax: +43-1-8151456-21 e-mail: w.muellner@delphi.at, WEB: http://www.delphi.at