BusinessObjects Board

automatic insert of a table in the universe??

I have the following problem. In our universe, we store some survey’s.
We also have a table in sql server 2000 where we save all participants from a survey. Some of the question that a participant gets are identification questions. These questions and answers are stored in a different table, the ParticipantProperties_Survey_Id table. The survey_id changes, so if the table doesn’t exist in sql server, he’s being created.
The columns of the table are the combination of question and answers. These combinations are different in an other survey, so the tables are different.

Is het possible to insert this table automatically in the universe? Now we allways have to check if the table allready exists in the universe, and insert it manually.

scoenjaerts (BOB member since 2004-12-21)

OK I think I understand what your asking…

You have a universe built against SQL Server DB. The DB is for surveys, and depending on the survey, you might have a new table built to store the questions and answers to the survey. As each new table is built you want to automatically insert it into your existing universe?

No, out of the box BO doesn’t do this, why would you want to anyway, some things are best done manually. You may want to look at redesigning your tables and DB to handle new surveys in the original table, but Without knowing you DB, tables and requirementsthat is entirely up to you.

dessa :madagascar: (BOB member since 2004-01-29)

I encountered a situation like this with surveys a while ago and the solution there was to write a stored procedure to repost the survey results in to a table that was specially built for the job and include in the universe ahead of time.

Paul Shovlar :uk: (BOB member since 2002-09-05)

We also have a stored procedure that creates a new table but the table doesn’t allways have the same columns with different surveys. So we have to create a new table each time a new survey is loaded in our datawarehouse.

scoenjaerts (BOB member since 2004-12-21)

This can be automated using VBA and the Designer Object model to insert a new table, joins, classes and objects

Ottoman :uk: (BOB member since 2002-10-04)

And you know where I can find information about this??

scoenjaerts (BOB member since 2004-12-21)

BO Designer Object Model documentation is on the BO Tech Support website

you will need to ensure the designer object library is accessed in vb

this topic has some info:



Ottoman :uk: (BOB member since 2002-10-04)