Automated Password change

 I'm looking for a way to automatically change the Business Objects
 password for all users.  It looks like I may be able to just change
 the encrypted value in the OBJ_M_ACTOR table and replace it with the
 new encrypted value for all users.  Is anyone using a script that
 performs this functionality or something similar?

 Jodie Schott
 Walt Disney World Co.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

We do a similar thing in here. But we force the users to change
the password. When you create the user there is a option where you can
specify when do you want the password to expire and perodic actions. You
can enable this feature and force the users to change their passwords
instead of you updating the repository. Remember, you lose BO tech
support if you update any tables in the repository. :slight_smile:
Good Luck

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)