BusinessObjects Board

Audit Universe created on BOB

Someone created an audit universe on this board about a couple of years ago. I tried searching for it but couldn’t find it. Not the one in BOB’s download either. It was rather large.

I think it was Anita or Cindy or one of those guys that did it. I tried searching but came up empty. Anyone know what I’m talking about?

Flame (BOB member since 2004-09-21)

Do you mean this entry that Cindy put into BOB’s Downloads?

Did you search strictly in the Semantic Layer forum? My first reaction was to do a Search that was restricted to the BOB’s Downloads forum using keyword audit, and sure enough, that link popped up.

Anita Craig :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-17)

I saw that, but don’t believe thats it. The one I’m talking about had about 15-20 tables. Oh well.

Flame (BOB member since 2004-09-21)