App Foundation is installed on multiple servers

Hi all,
I have a question
Is It True: if App Foundation is installed on multiple servers, you can not have those App Foundation servers point to the same repository. Each App Foundation has to have it’s own repository!

Please Help me

Nimu (BOB member since 2004-04-27)

No, that is not true.

Steve Krandel :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Hi Steve,
I was waiting for ur reply.
Can you pls explain me in Detail.
'coz we tried to open a case with BO but they gave us this reply.


Nimu (BOB member since 2004-04-27)

Hi Steve,
If you can send me your email address , I can copy the Case Details.


Nimu (BOB member since 2004-04-27)

My email address is on the button at the bottom of this post.

Steve Krandel :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Hi steve,
I have posted you the case.
Can you explain me in detail.


Nimu (BOB member since 2004-04-27)

I would be interested in seeing this. I have customers doing this with multiple servers now. All of the servers are using the same repository and it seems to work.

Perhaps the problem has to do with the scheduling of metric refreshes.

I still haven’t gotten your email.

Steve Krandel :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

why dont you post your problem here?

wshiguetaka (BOB member since 2002-08-16)

We have encountered a strange problem and are awaiting response from BO. We have installed AF6.1a on multiple servers (actually two…) and tried to share a repository. In Supervisor everything seemed to work ok.

In AF we are able to logon to the second install (as general supervisor), but AF doesn’t show the setup icon in the servicebar. I already modified a file called servicebar.jsp and changed the security code.

We haven’t got a clue what’s going on :confused:

Has anyone encoutered this problem?


Dr.Philter (BOB member since 2004-07-06)

Hey Steve,

Do you know of any known problem with Metric Refresh in case of multiple servers - single repository. We’ll be proceeding with the same scenario very soon.

i_amit123 :india: (BOB member since 2002-10-09)